If a grape represented unfathomable intellect, he would be a bottle of fine wine
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        Awe in the amazement of El Tigre...

Politically headstrong, he strives for greatness

     Friends, here he is in all of his heterosexual glory. If one were to write a story about this man's life, not only would the book be bestseller 5 years in a row, but it would be such an epip novel that it would take 2 and a half years to read. And probably recieve Mtv's coveted music video of the year award...somehow. Yes, he is that amazing. Sadly he is currently persuing other interests, but in his honor i am still dedicating a profile page to him. Perhaps he will return one day...
     The story starts in the historical location only known as "the h-wood". Over time, it was here that he and The Almighty Bobodie formed their bond that would test the limits of intellect through deep convorsations lasting hours on end. Often, El Tigre's superior mind would exhaust that of The Almighty Bobodie, leading them to seek the aid of Mindy C. at the local i-hop to help with recovery. The life of El Tigre himself, is somewhat a tragic one. Recovering from an ailment that can only be known as whoreable slutanical bitchitis, he strides to rebuild what the disease has destroyed. Perhaps he will find remedy in the fresh new year ahead of him.
     The most dominant aspect of this creature is his lust for politics. Do not underestimate his knowledge of the subject. His advanced research capabilities have lead him to such extremes as not eating at McDonalds due to its republican ties. With such dedication, one would not be suprised to see such a man run for the presidential candidacy...perhaps even winning. However, his goal in life rests in more foreign diplomatic affairs. As odd as his career choice may seem, it all comes full circle to what any man would want in life. And that of course, is to get with a hot foreign chick.

Editors note: it is wise to not get him started on any political convorstion what-so-ever. Do so at your own risk.

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Broaden Your Knowledge:
  • A Few of his favorite things
  • Letter to the fans
  • Political Rants