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6.30.2004, 18:41 Author: Lubchik Glova (admin)

First News!!

    "Site is finally up..! ..."

The site has finally, over much time, and thought, been brought onto the online community. Projects we are currently working on is the rest of the sites...yea, some links might not take you anywhere yet. Also a newsletter, a forum, and the log in. Gotta make that login so you can get into the forum and downloads right? Right. Well, that's pretty much it, enjoy what is here for now and if you like what you see or you want to apply to be a part of Chronic Works, contact us at

details(none today) »

6.30.2004 later, 23:43 Author: Lubchik Glova (admin)

More news.

    "Later today..."

Nothing, just wanted to see something..

details »


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