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Balloon Man Part Two

So Balloon Man decided to go back to Wal-Mart, the Anti-BalloonMan headquarters.

Balloon Man chillin outisde the WS WM.

Entering Wal-Mart.

He's been in for a record minute without confrontation, so we walked around back.

Balloon Man tryin to help a lonely patron find the right bra.

So after about 10 minutes of walking around, a swarm of "managers" attack Balloon Man, threatining him, escorting him and all of his friends outside, and making sure he never comes back, (but he probably will, and with a family.... more on that later).

If Balloon Man goes back, He/We get "banned from Wal-Mart for life..." so after we do that, we will need some more places to do it, so give us some ideas.

Now if you have any requests on where you want Balloon Man to go or something for him to do, email me @

Balloon Man
