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(btw, 808-this is emailing from my new, better, faster computer! woo! so if the email looks funky, it's still me)
-Petree Lemetree

                                        The Switch part 5

"Where in the blue hell are we?!" Russel exclaimed.
 Of course, no one answered. The landscape-well, really there was none-was basically black, but with green and red comets zooming everywhere. They seemed to be moving, as Russel's eye's began to water and 2D's hair fluttered wildy back in the wind. Everything was moving much to fast to tell.
They all attemted to turn their head's around to see what was the matter, and only Russel managed to see Noodle shaking her radiohelmet up and down. "Not work!" she told him.
"Hey! Watch out!" shouted Petree. When she opened her mouth a huge gust of air rushed into her mouth and immedietly dried up her tongue. A green comet was zooming straight towards 2D, who was zoning steadily out, with his head turned in the other direction. His head turned towards the comet and froze like a deer in front of a Mac truck. Her tongue being absoloutley dry as the Sahara she couldn't manage to say anything else so she grabbed 2D by his foot and jerked him left. It seemed that where-ever-they-were carried them through space through the speed of light, but in thier own power they had some sort of...strength of their own. Ok, so they were basically space mutants or something.
Anyway, the green comet missed 2d, all right, no harm there. But it kept on going. There was nothing left for it to hit, so it passed on.
"Holy frack on a skillet!!!"
"Nie?" Noodle looked up just in time. She was shaking the radio out away from her. She saw the huge green light hurtling towards her, and did the logicall thing. She dropped that thing like it was on fire and kind of swam as far away as possible. The green comet smashed into her radio hat into a million tiny bits.

at petree's house

Holy...shit? Murdoc wondered the whole friggin wall on one side of the room was nothing but black with tiny green stars in the distance.
*bloody hell-*
*you ASSHOLE-*
*hey Petree! get off of him! Murdoc's my friend-*
*speak for yourself, dullard*
*wait a second...*
*bout time, bitch*
*We're in my house...*
*ow! jesus, my head hurts*
*it's where the rabbit shot you, I fink*
*Raeshezatou!!! Radio...*

To make a long story short, 'll summarize... They argued for about an hour, until Murdoc said, "Get my frigging agent on the phone!" Which sparked Petree's mind... If there was anyone who could sort this would be...