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I do not own Weiß Kreuz or any of its characters. I just love them to no end and have a very twisted imagination. Please be aware that I am extremely poor so suing me will do you no good. Thanks.

Warning: NC-17 / Lemon Yaoi / NCS / Violence / Explicit Language

Pairings: Aya + Yohji / Schuldich x Yohji / Ken + Omi / Bradley x Nagi

FYI: { Telepathic speech } -- Inner thoughts

Author's note:

Here's the third installment of THE HUNTED. Strangely enough, a new twist has been added into my original plans for this fic. You'll see what I mean once you've read this chapter. Be warned that the LEMON in my warning clause comes to effect in a major way in this chapter so get ready for some very intense scenes.

Well, that's enough of my ranting. Enjoy the fic!

Thanks so much,


The Hunted Part 3

Amber-brown eyes, glazed and unfocused, stared out into the darkening sky. Detached from his surroundings, Bradley Crawford sat unmoving in his seat as a vision invaded his mind. Moments in time seemed to pause briefly before him allowing Bradley to see with crystal clarity events that were yet to unfold.

Bradley beheld the flashing images unable to move, unable to react. It was something he had grown accustomed to even though he hated the lack of control. The images began to fade even as they began to flash in and out with increasing speed until they disappeared completely.

His body jerked forward as he was released from the vision's hold. Reality came crashing down on him, as Bradley's mind once again became focused and clear. He unclenched his hands that had been fisted tightly on his lap and took a deep breath trying to calm his rapidly beating heart. He stood up and ran an unsteady hand through his neatly trimmed black hair as he pondered on what he had seen.

The vision's revelation disturbed him more than he cared to admit. It shook the tightly held control he had over his emotions. And that alone was enough to prove to him that the vision was indeed something to be alarmed about.

Uncomfortable with his tie, Bradley loosened the blue silk material until it hung loosely around his neck. He paced back and forth across his office, hands on his hips, as he tried to gather his scattered thoughts. He walked over to his desk and picked up the glass of wine he'd all but forgotten and downed most of the sweet liquid in one swallow. With the half-empty glass in hand, Bradley walked back to the window and stared at his reflection. His face was emotionless. In no way revealing any of his inner turmoil.

The future had been revealed and it wasn't good. It will affect all of us including Weiß. And I can't do a damned thing about it.

The need to somehow lessen the blow the future was set upon giving them was almost overpowering in its urgency. But how could he intervene if he couldn't even find a clear path to take? Unlike in the past, he had not been granted the foresight that would allow him to find a way to change what was to come. This time he was left helpless and unable to interfere.

Should he take that risk? Should he really try to move his pawns without a planned strategy? Was he willing to deal with the consequences such blind actions could cause? Bradley looked at his reflection, willing himself to say, "Yes." But he knew very well that life was not to be toyed with unless you knew its design. The ramifications of acting impulsively could in fact worsen the future's outcome. And he would be impulsive indeed if he acted now lacking the foresight that was needed. His hands were to all intents and purposes tied. And for the first time since he was a boy, Bradley found himself unable to manipulate fate.

Anger flared inside of him and Bradley cursed his "gift". He cursed it for revealing things better left unknown and he cursed it for plunging him into a chaos he should've been spared from falling into.

Closing his eyes briefly, not wanting to see himself losing control, Bradley struggled to regain the cool composure he was known to possess. But try as he might, he just couldn't do it. Not when he was forced to accept his role in all that was yet to come. Not when he had to admit to himself that his thirst for revenge had triggered the chain of events that would soon make his vision a reality.

As his clear and unclouded gaze once again fell upon the evening sky, Bradley felt an unfamiliar ache, a deeply buried feeling, stir inside of him. Intrigued, he concentrated on it trying to figure out what it could possibly be.

Bitter laughter echoed within the large room as the leader of Schwarz finally recognized what he was feeling.


"Ouch! Dammit!" Ken quickly put his bleeding finger into his mouth silently cursing Mother Nature for putting thorns on roses. Then he cursed Yohji. It was because of his lazy ass that he and Omi were working in the shop on their off hours instead of being upstairs playing with each other. Wait 'til I see you, Yohji. I am going to kick your ass!


Ken snapped out of his vengeful thoughts with a start. He followed the sound of the panicked voice and found Omi in the far left corner of the shop fighting off a group of girls while trying to keep a precarious hold on the huge pot in his hands. The fern was so monstrous that Omi was practically blocked from his view by it.

"Hold on, Omi! I'm coming!"


Ken quickly maneuvered his way through his own mob of girls trying to reach Omi's side. A yelp from the mauling crowd ahead had him picking up speed. His eyes widened as he saw the huge fern tilt and straighten. The hovering girls were more than likely making Omi stumble. Another yelp came from the mauling crowd and then a sudden collective gasp. OH, SHIT! Omi was going down.

"OUT OF THE WAY!" Ken yelled as he pushed his way through the circle of girls.

His hands snaked out with lightning speed as he tried with all of his might to prevent the imminent disaster. The fern swiveled around toward him and Ken closed his eyes preparing himself for the impact that was sure to follow. Shit, this is going to hurt.

Luckily for the both of them, it was Omi's small form that crashed into him instead; the momentum not strong enough to knock either of them down. Ken reached over Omi's shoulders and latched onto the fern from Hell. He lifted it out of Omi's hands taking on the thing's full weight. Fuuck meee! This shit is HEAVY!

Ken heard Omi's immediate sigh of relief as the two-ton pot was taken from him. And at that moment he really didn't mind that he'd lost the capability to breathe or had lost all feeling in his arms and legs.

"Thanks, Ken. You saved my life."

Forcing his dead limbs to move, Ken somehow maneuvered the pot onto a safe spot on the floor. Breathing heavily, he straightened and looked at Omi in complete amazement.

"How the hell did you manage to pick that thing up in the first place?"

"Oh, it's not that heavy, you know." Omi said feeling a little insulted. He may not be the strongest of the four Weiß members but he wasn't so weak that he couldn't handle one damn pot. "I would've been okay if I hadn't lost my balance."

"Okay, okay. I believe you."

Noticing that he'd hit a soft spot in Omi's male pride, Ken didn't voice a protest. The last thing he wanted do was make his lover feel inadequate over a stupid pot even if the particular pot in question weighed over a ton. So he just shook his head and veered Omi back over to the cash register where a line of customers almost to the door had already formed.

"Do me a favor? Since Aya's in the back finishing up orders, could you help me out over here at the register? I'll go and put that----thing where it belongs. Deal?"

Omi knew what Ken was doing. And even though his pride was scuffed a bit by it, Omi really didn't mind. Besides, the thing was kind of heavy. He didn't really think he could manage to pick it up again without breaking something. So, with an easy smile Omi said, "Deal."

Ken smiled back and watched Omi for few more seconds before heading toward the doom tree disguised as a fern. A shadow caught his attention and he turned his head only to find Aya standing quietly near the back room. He was about to say something to him when the redhead quickly turned and walked away.

What the hell was that about? Frowning, Ken pushed the "Thing from Hell" closer to the display in the front window. His mind replaying Aya's face just moments ago. He straightened and stretched out his back to make sure that it was still in tact before staring in the direction that Aya had gone.

It was amazing, Ken thought, how one unguarded moment could reveal so much of a person's heart. And an unguarded moment it had been for the redhead. Anger, sadness, pride, bitterness. They had all been plain to see in Aya's usually emotionless face. And what, Ken wondered, had caused Aya to fall prey to such a moment of weakness? Was it Yohji? Was Aya having any regrets? Ken secretly hoped so.

Even though he and Omi had agreed to stay out of Aya and Yohji's personal business by not taking sides, Ken couldn't help but feel a bit angry with Aya. He could still remember the night when he'd found Yohji curled up in a ball outside the shop on the back porch steps sobbing uncontrollably. It had been quite a shock for him to see the normally easy going blonde in such a state of utter pain and desolation.

In the two months since that night, things between the former lovers hadn't improved much. It was sad to see how even Aya and Yohji's friendship had disintegrated since then. Aya brooded now more than ever and seemed to never interact with Yohji unless it was absolutely necessary. And Yohji? Well, Yohji was no better than the redhead. The oldest assassin always acted as if he didn't have a care in the world but Ken knew it was all an act since Yohji always tended to avoid Aya whenever possible.

Ken shook his head and looked back to where Aya had been standing. Up until now, he had thought that only Yohji had been feeling the pain of the break-up. Now, after seeing those violet eyes filled with such emotion, Ken wasn't so sure.

I just don't get it. Ken sighed and let his troubled gaze fall upon the light of his life. He watched with adoring eyes as Omi greeted every customer with a huge smile. Beautiful. You're just so damn beautiful, Omi.

Ken knew that he was probably looking like a besotted fool but he didn't care. He loved Omi with all of his heart and he knew that Omi felt the same way about him. They were committed to each other in every way and lived for one another. He guessed that it was his love for Omi that had him questioning Aya's behavior and motives. If you love Yohji, Aya, why did you give him up?

Aya walked over to the bouquet he'd been working on before he'd rushed out to see what the commotion in the front had been about. He closed his eyes briefly once again picturing in his mind the arrangement he wanted to create. With precise movements, he grabbed a few of the orchids he'd previously trimmed and began to place them where he wanted them. He reached for the last orchid but instead of placing it with the others, he brought the flower to his face. Slowly, he inhaled the flower's unique fragrance and Aya's mind wandered back to Omi and Ken.

He felt an unwanted pang of jealousy at the thought of the young couple and immediately chided himself for it. But seeing the two lovers so happy and in love made the feeling impossible to ignore. And Aya hated himself for it, hated himself for being envious of their bond. He couldn't help it though. The pair's relationship kept reminding him of the decision he had been given no choice but to make.


The name was a mere whisper in his mind, but it seemed to explode within him. Why did the man haunt his every thought? It was driving him insane having to constantly fight these feelings he didn't want to deal with.

Aya looked down at his hand and realized he'd crushed the orchid he'd been holding. Slowly, he opened his hand and watched as the shattered petals fell onto the counter. His hand trembled and his eyes narrowed as the guilt he'd been battling against assailed him. I did this to Yohji, didn't I?

Aya's face contorted in pain as he struggled with his emotions. He was shaking he realized and hunched over with both hands fisted on the counter desperately trying to hold back a sob. Gods, don't cry. Don't cry! But his body wouldn't listen. It was like a dam breaking loose and all Aya could do was ride the wave of despair. Tears ran unchecked down his pale face and his body shook uncontrollably as he finally gave in to the sadness his heart was aching with.

He didn't know how long he'd stood there crying. But when he was done, Aya was exhausted. With red and tired eyes, he looked at the crushed orchid in front of him and angrily wiped the counter clean. The broken petals and the bouquet scattered onto the floor. Dammit, Yohji! You made me care. You fucking made me fall in love with you!

"Where the hell is Yohji?" Ken angrily whispered to Omi as he passed by carrying a small pot of daisies over to a customer.

Omi wished he knew. He looked down at his watch and couldn't help but worry. They would be closing soon and there was still no sign of Yohji.

When they were alone again, Omi walked over to Ken and pulled at his sleeve. "Ken, don't you think Yohji should've been back by now?"

"Shit, yeah. Damn bastard." Ken noticed how concerned Omi was and put his hands on his lover's slender shoulders. "Don't worry, Omi. Yohji probably finished early and went somewhere to get drunk or pick up another easy lay."

"But isn't kind of early in the evening to be doing that? Yohji usually goes out pretty late."

Ken shrugged, refusing to let himself worry needlessly. "Omi, you know Yohji. He doesn't have a schedule. Come on, stop worrying."

Omi frowned as he watched Ken walk towards the back to put away some of their tools. Ken had a point. After all, it was Yohji they were talking about. But for some reason, the idea of the playboy skipping out on Aya, even if they were having problems, just didn't sit well with him. Yohji had changed in the past few months. Ever since he and Aya had gone their separate ways, the older man had become a very reliable worker. For Yohji to have suddenly reverted back to his old self seemed odd to him. He just didn't like it.

Omi sighed as he walked over to the front door and turned the sign on it to read, "CLOSED". He reached back and untied the apron around his waist. Maybe he was overreacting, Omi thought as he placed the apron on the counter and walked towards the back to look for Ken. Yohji was an experienced assassin capable of taking care of himself and the man had only been gone for a few hours. Maybe working with Aya had become too much for Yohji and he had indeed decided to bail. Yeah, that has to be it. I have to stop worrying so much. Everything's fine. I'm sure he'll be back soon.

But as he came up behind Ken and hugged his lover fiercely, Omi knew his thoughts didn't ring true. He wouldn't stop worrying until Yohji came back home.

Schuldich entered his bedroom and allowed his eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness before focusing his gaze upon the sleeping man on his bed. Quietly, he removed his blue blazer and his black shirt dropping them onto the floor as he moved to the nightstand near the bed. He switched on the amber lamp that was on it and the room lit up with an almost golden hue.

His hungry green eyes roamed freely over his captive's lean and slender body allowing the quick surge of lust to coarse through him. He took in every curve, every sharp angle, and every inch of Yohji Kudou's alluring form. Schuldich had to admit to himself that the blonde assassin was indeed quite attractive, almost beautiful in fact. Damn. I sure do know how to pick 'um.

He unbuckled his black pants but didn't take them off. Instead, he reached over and pushed back a few golden locks of hair away from Kudou's ethereal face. A fire full of lust and savagery ignited within Schuldich as he slowly ran his fingers through the soft blonde hair and down soft skin. His erection pressed painfully against his clothing hardening even more as his hand continued its exploration. He watched in fascination as the sleeping assassin began to respond to his touch. The slender body before him shivered and moved toward his caresses causing his mouth to water in anticipation.

Intrigued and incredibly aroused, Schuldich quickly moved back and dispensed himself of his remaining garments. Free and unrestrained, his fierce arousal jutted upward already seeking release. He slid his hand underneath the thin sheet covering his captive's body and ran down the blonde's smooth naked chest. Softly, he caressed each nipple before his hand traveled down further to a rock hard abdomen. A stab of pleasure rippled through Schuldich as soft moans began to escape his sleeping prey's slightly parted lips. Do you like my touch, Kitten?

Almost in a silent reply, the blonde moaned once again. Slowly, Schuldich pulled back the thin sheet, the only barrier left between them. He felt a wave of satisfaction mingle in with his raging lust as he beheld the glorious sight before him. Beautiful.

Kudou's body was wonderfully aroused. Tempted beyond reason, Schuldich reached over and closed his hand gently over the other man's hard member and ever so slowly, began a rhythm. Up and down his hand moved in gentle strokes until the body beneath it began to arch and buckle. By now, Schuldich's breathing had become ragged and his own arousal was so hard that he thought he'd burst with the slightest touch.

Sticky clear fluid trailed over his fingers. Enthralled, Schuldich rubbed the enticing secretion around the tip of Kudou's member in slow circles and let his thumb slide back and forth around the small hole found there. The blonde's body buckled in response. Ragged moans filled the air and slender hands fisted tightly into the sheets as Kudou neared release.

Gods, I have to taste you. I have to. Schuldich was nearly mad with desire and gave in to his needy thoughts. He pressed his face in between the blonde's thighs and marveled over Kudou's unique scent. The addictive aroma drove Schuldich wild and with the skill of the experienced, his mouth closed over the unconscious assassin's erection. With the first stroke of his tongue, Schuldich heard his captive's cry of pleasure and the sound raged through him like wildfire.

He was barely able to hold off his own climax as Kudou's hard member throbbed in his mouth and then exploded in release. The blonde let out a loud exquisite moan as he spilled himself into Schuldich's greedy mouth. Every drop was swallowed and enjoyed as Kudou's body continued to shudder violently.

Desperate now for his own release and filled with a need beyond comprehension, Schuldich slid his toned body over his prey's sweat dampened form. He rubbed himself against the other's body and closed his eyes in ecstasy. Unable to hold anything back, Schuldich let out a moan of pure erotic bliss. Something he rarely permitted himself to do even with Bradley. It would have surprised him and possibly concerned him to realize the effect the Weiß member was having on him. But right now as a haze of lust was overloading his senses, Schuldich couldn't think straight. In fact, he wasn't thinking at all. The Mastermind was at this very moment mindless. Holy shit.

Urgently now, he moved against his helpless victim who even in sleep was arching into him. Overwhelmed by the feel of Kudou's response to him, Schuldich trailed kisses down the blonde's slender neck leaving telltale signs of his bruising nips. When his mouth reached the spot where neck and collarbone met, he left his mark there in vivid red. He had staked his claim. You're mine, Yohji. Mine. He was totally oblivious to the fact that he no longer referred to the blonde as Kudou.

The body beneath him shivered and arched once again, reacting unconsciously to the pleasure it was receiving. Schuldich smiled as he lapped Yohji's rose colored nipples enjoying with utter satisfaction the hisses and moans in the air. Hungrily, he brought the hardened nubs into his mouth twisting and suckling on them before releasing them. He relished the feeling of Yohji's once again hard arousal against his thigh. He moved a bit to the left and gasped as their erections met and pressed against one another. Mmmm, so good.

He crashed his lips against Yohji's and was encouraged further when those lips became pliant and responsive. They were both panting and moaning when he finally pulled away from their bruising kiss. He was shaking, Schuldich realized with amazement, as he looked down at the still unconscious man beneath him. He had yet to climax and was already shaking uncontrollably.

Without taking his eyes off of Yohji's beautiful face, he reached over the blonde to open the drawer in his nightstand and retrieved a small bottle of oil. He sat up and generously covered his erection with the exotically scented oil. He closed his eyes as the sensation the small action caused hardened him further. With the same oiled hand, Schuldich gently glided his index finger around and then into Yohji's entrance. The blonde hissed in response to the invasion.

Yes, baby. You want this too, don't you? He smiled wickedly as he slowly pressed a second finger into Yohji. Raw need almost consumed him as Yohji's legs opened wider and wider to him. He slipped a third finger in and began to slowly pump in and out seeking that special spot within the blonde assassin. He knew he'd found it when Yohji suddenly arched his back high and emitted a low cry.

Schuldich was in agony now. His need for release almost feral. It was all he wanted. But as he positioned his arousal above Yohji's entrance, Schuldich stopped himself. He hovered there above the man he so desperately wanted to take and realized that he needed to see Yohji's eyes as he entered him. He needed to see their emerald green depths glaze over with passion.

He lowered himself putting his weight on his elbows and pressed his erection against Yohji's. He placed his hands on either side of the blonde's head and focused his mind. His eyes closed and his brows furrowed as he searched for the link. When he felt the familiar brush of Yohji's thoughts, Schuldich seized the connection to the blonde's mind.

Little by little, Schuldich began to remove the compulsion of sleep that he had placed on his captive making sure that a part of Yohji's consciousness remained unaware of what was happening. The last thing he needed was for the blonde assassin to wake up and try to kill him. This way the part of Yohji's mind that would normally control his thoughts and actions would be dormant leaving the blonde free of his usual inhibitions. When he was satisfied with his tampering, Schuldich commanded Yohji to awaken.

{ Wake up. Yohji. Wake up. }

Holding his breath, Schuldich watched as Yohji slowly opened his eyes. Once again, the beauty found in those dark emerald eyes stunned him. Although dazed, the green orbs seemed to sparkle with life.

Still linked with Yohji's mind, he immediately read the blonde's turbulent thoughts. Confusion, anxiety, wariness along with thoughts of a certain redheaded assassin filtered through the haze in Yohji's mind. Jealousy of the likes he'd never before felt coursed through Schuldich as he realized that the pleasure Yohji had experienced just moments before had been attributed to the blonde's memories of making love with Aya. No fucking way. That bastard isn't going to ruin this for me. He's not the one that made you cry out as you came. It was ME!

A sudden thought occurred to him and in an instant the anger he'd been feeling dissipated. Looking down at the befuddled man beneath him, Schuldich smiled wickedly as used his link to warp Yohji's mind.

One by one, he locked away the memories of the redhead until only his touch and his scent remained. Yohji's confusion and panic escalated and he began to resist Schuldich's manipulation. Quickly, he pushed at his captive's mind until he felt Yohji begin to relax and accept his presence. Coaxing gently, he wiped out all of the doubts and fears Yohji had been experiencing. The need to possess his captive his only goal. Schuldich knew the effect was only temporary but it would give him the edge he needed. When Yohji was completely relaxed and pliant under him, Schuldich broke the mindlink. He opened his eyes and was awed by what he saw.

His beautiful enemy's eyes were dazed and only half opened but they were looking right at him. Desire lurked in their green depths and it left Schuldich stunned and incredibly aroused. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that Yohji didn't know what he was doing, but he didn't care. Yohji was willing and ready and that was all the encouragement Schuldich needed. He lifted a long leg over his shoulder giving him a better angle and leaned closer to his blonde captive's face.

{ Look at me, Yohji. }

Glazed green eyes locked onto him.

{ See only me as I make you mine. }

And with one swift thrust, he buried himself into Yohji's receptive body.

Twin cries of pleasure echoed in the semi-darkened room as their bodies joined in a heated dance. Inflamed by the tightness surrounding him, Schuldich thrusts picked up speed not caring if Yohji wasn't ready for the increase in pace. All that mattered was to quench his need to possess and lose himself into his prey's body.

Schuldich had never before experienced such pleasure, such pain. It pulsated throughout his body driving him to the brink of madness. Faster and harder, he plunged into Yohji hitting the blonde's prostrate with every savage thrust. His animalistic moans intermingled with his captive's as their bodies lost control.

Yohji's legs wrapped around his waist and Schuldich found himself reaching forward to bring the slender man's body closer to his own. In and out he moved until Schuldich felt Yohji stiffen within his arms.

{ Yes. Let yourself go. Come for me. }

Yohji cried out and buckled in his embrace. Spurts of hot semen covered their bellies and Schuldich growled in satisfaction. Muscles tightened around his hard erection wrenching a gasp from him. Spasms gripped him in a continuous frenzy and Schuldich was pushed over the edge. He rammed into his captive one last time and cried out as he filled Yohji with his seed and his body shattered into a million pieces.

Schuldich's moan seemed endless and filled with an unknown emotion. He actually saw stars before his eyes and felt as if all of the air had left his body. Shaking uncontrollably, he collapsed on top of Yohji unable to move and barely able to think. And as he laid there, exhausted and completely sated, one thought echoed in Schuldich's dazed mind.

You lose Aya.

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