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( 6.20.03 ) Jesus Tapdancin Christ! 7 + months since I've updated! Crazy man. Anyway, to those of you who have sent in macros to me, thank you! However, my email bit the dust and I lost a majority of them, and I hadn't had the time to upload them, so they were lost. Sorry to everyone! Got a new one today though, and had some time so I figured I'd update. Check it out here. It's a heart, ya its probably been overdone, but this one isn;t one I've seen before so I posted it! Thanks to Michael Coger for it! Maybe I should update more often? Who knows! If anyone still does come here, here over to Warbucket.Com for daily comics and a fun times! Thanks everyone!Mystic` )
( 12.14.02 ) Been a while has it not? Just updated the macros section, I recently received a bunch of new marcos from a person named Dark, so please check them out in the Macros Section. Bnet Toolz 2 I think is a dead project, not positive however as Faze could be working on it and not tell me :( Oh well, until next time.( Mystic` )
( 8.15.02 ) Just uploaded another macro for Bnet Toolz. Find it here. Thanks to Jeff Sutton for this macro. Also, I have a newer version of the Dice macro that someone by the name of Razor sent me in the mail. Its more compatible with Bnet Toolz, unlike mine. I just need him to Email me back with a more "Mystic Friendly" email version so it will paste right. Thanks to Razor and Jeff for their work. *UPDATE:* Just added the corrected Dice Macro. Thanks again to Razor for his hard work on getting it right. If you STILL cant get it to work, you can just email me.( Mystic` )
( 7.18.02 ) I just read in a well-known chat room (DFL) that if you beat the single player campaign on hard, you get to see a preview of Starcraft 2. He claimed it was true (it was also from a trusting source) so I figured I would just let you fellow readers know. Apparently you can use cheats and still view it, but don't you think it would make you feel better to do it yourself? Someone please verify this if you have completed the game on hard and it does not work.( Mystic` )
( 7.15.02 ) A Bnet Toolz Marco was added upon a request (sort of). The new page can be found here and will be located under our links page from now on. If you have some home made Macros please feel free to email me and I will post them up.( Mystic` )
( 6.24.02 ) is proud to present a new forum, thanks goes to LordLardo for setting it up. I am also working on a new layout for the site, one that doesn't suck. That's it. ( Faze )