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Welcome, Ye wanderers of Cyberspace!



My greetings to all ye who have entered this bleak corner of the internet. I offer to you a glimps into the world inwhich I inhabit, a world similar to yours in some ways and completely different in others. It holds for you a reflection of my hopes, my dreams, and my life much like the moon reflects the sun.

This website was initially created for one purpose and one purpose alone. I am certain that many of you now reading this text have, at one point in time or another, created something to this end. The venture is neither glamorous nor noble, but it is nessesary if one wishes to succeed in this world which many have dubbed "Corporate America." Moondreams fulfilled the requirements needed to pass a required class known to many and loved by some as Tech Core.


On this you shall find a photo album comprised of photographs of astronauts and a portfolio of the various proverbial hoops which I have jumped through to acheive a passing grade. This was not nearly as easy as it may seem. To catch shard of my frustration, I would recomend scrolling through my blog at my other website. You may also discover a glimps into my school and my community within this site, as well as my own little tidbit at the very end of the navigation bar to your left. Without further ado, please enjoy the fruits of my labor. If you have any questions, comments, or just feel annoying, go ahead and drop me an email.