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My Home Page

Pictures - the entire content of this page:
Matt and me at King's Dominion
Me on the carousel at King's Dominion
Melissa and me at King's Dominion, on the Anaconda
My senior portrait
My other senior portrait
The old me before I lost weight, and before I went goth, and WAY before I went military...
Lacrosse picture senior year. Losing team, the highlight of our season was scoring a goal.
unity ((not of me, or anyone else for that matter))
North Area my new home.
Full dress uniform Rita, Brandon, and me
Civilian dress!
Brian Boyles a scared plebe...
MA103: the scariest math class ever, Discrete Dynamical Systems
Me looking like a drugged vamp.
seated vamp
reclining vamp
vamp grin
serious vamp
sleepy vamp
Rita my beast room mate and one of my current roomies
1/2 BDUs me wearing 1/2 of BDUs
graduation me and friends
graduation me and more friends
graduation me and matt
graduation me wearing and friends again