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      January 3rd Newsletter for Troop 810


I hope everyone had wonderful holidays! Well, our next meeting is January 10th. It was just brought to my attention that the Junior Badge Workshop forms are due to the women in charge of it by January 11th. I have enclosed the form for you to fill out and bring with you to the January 10th meeting. The troop funds will pay for it, so you don’t have to worry about the money, just the form. The fifth grade girls may like to do the Junior Aide workshop to earn a bar patch. Any 6th graders that plan to go on to Cadettes next year should take the Bridge to Cadettes workshop.

Another thing that is coming up on January 18th is the Helping Hands Neighborhood Service Project from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Any girl that would like to help should let us know and then show up at the Wilmington United Methodist Church on Route 62 to help fill and decorate gift bags for the homeless shelters just like they did last year. The girls will earn a Community Service patch for this event.

Just a reminder for the sleepover money: Money should be to leaders by January 24th unless there are prior arrangements made. If your daughter does not plan to attend the sleepover, please let us know also.

By February 7th we will need to know if your child plans to attend the Outdoor Gourmet badge workshop on Saturday, March 15th. Please specify which time you would prefer (9:00 – 12:00, or 1:00 – 4:00). The cost of this is $6.50. We need to register for this soon.

Also, don’t forget to sell Girl Scout Cookies! This is where we earn the money for the troop to do field trips and sleepovers without having to put in too much of our own money for them. The more we sell, the less the sleepover will cost each girl! JoAnn needs all order forms back to her no later than January 22nd. Any questions, just give her a call.

I will not be at the next meeting on January 10th because of a prior engagement. JoAnn and Pam will be there to answer any questions you may have about anything I have written about in this newsletter. I will also be back Sunday night if you need to speak to me for any reason. Thanks!
