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                          December 13th Newsletter                  

Well, the holiday season is upon us, and I am sure you don’t need any more info to clog your brain with right now, but, we need to start thinking about the sleepover. Remember that dude ranch we talked about a while ago? I have enclosed a brochure for you to read up on it again.

We decided that we are going to ask for the money for the sleepover in three payments. For the two nights, it is $128.00 per girl and $168.00 per adult. Anyone that would like to attend the sleepover needs to use the following payment plan:

Jan 24th - $45.00/child $56.00/adult

Feb 28th- $45.00/child $56.00/adult

Mar 14th- $38.00/child $56.00/adult

If we do not receive your first payment by January 24th, we will assume that your child is not attending the sleepover. Anyone that needs financial assistance, the Girl Scout Council has a form that needs to be filled out and mailed in. Please let us know if this is the case.

After we receive the money from the cookie sales, we will reimburse anyone that attended the sleepover as much as we can depending on how many cookies we sell. The more cookies we sell, the less you will pay for the sleepover! I hope all the girls will try to make it. We have always had a good time at any sleepover we have attended.

Please let me know if you would like to be a chaperone. The chaperones will not get reimbursed from the troop money, obviously because the money is only supposed to be for troop members.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

