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Act One Summary:
  • The setting begins at Algernons apartment in London.
  • Algernon is having a visit from his aunt Lady Bracknell and her daughter Gwendolen.
  • Algernon's friend Jack Worhting arrives at his house.
  • Algernon and his butler Lane both think that Jack's real name is Earnest.
  • Jack tells Algernon and Lane he just got back from his country estate.
  • Algernon tells Jack that Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen are coming.
  • Jack tells Algernon that he plans to propose to Gwendolen when she arrives.
  • Algernon tells Jack that he'll never marry Gwendolen because they don't mesh.
  • Algernon says that since he's Gwendolens cousin, he won't allow Jack to marry Gwendolen either. Unless he can tell him who Cecily is.
  • Algernon Takes out a Cigar case with an inscription from Cecily to uncle Jack.
  • Jack answers Algernon but he doesn't believe him.
  • Evenso, Algernon asks jack why it is to Jack because he thought Jack was Earnest.
  • Jack breaks down and tells Algernon that he has an alter ego. When he is in the city he is Earnest, when he is in the country he is Jack.
  • Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen get to Algernons apartment.
  • Algernon tells Lady Bracknell that he can't eat with her because he has a friend in the country (Burnbury), who is very sick.
  • So Jack can propose to Gwendolen, Algernon and Lady Bracknell Leave the room.
  • Jack tells Gwendolen that he loves her and she says ditto.
  • Gwendolen says that she loves him because of his name, Earnest.
  • Jack proposes and she accepts.
  • Lady Bracknell enters the room and dissaproves of the engagement.
  • She asks Jack a bunch of questions and then asks about his parents and where he was born.
  • Jack says that he lost both of his parents and he was found in a hand bag at a train station.
  • Lady Bracknell once again disaproves and says that the marriage cannot take place.
  • Jack and Gwendolen go their own ways until next time.