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The Trash Can Conspiracy

     This site has to do with the trashcan conspiracy that is goiong on at school and the rest of the world. Have you ever looked at a trash can and wondered what it would be if it were not a trashcan? Well, if you look at it closley, you will notice that it is an astronaut. But it isn't really an astronaut, it is an alien that is trying to get rid of the human race. The so called trash can has a helmet in which people shove pounds of food into each day to feed it. Most people don't even know that they are helping the aliens live. this is not just another crazy conspiracy theory. we did not just think this up. many clues pointed us to this conclusion. the simple appearance of trashcans was the first thing that made us wonder and suspect. then we realized what the real situation with trashcans is. we are constantly feeding the trashcans, we have a huge dependance on them (if we did away with the alien scourge we would be left without trashcans, imagine what that would be like), and many other things, though not quite as important, together they add up to quite a large amount of evidence for our theory. the baseball team, the most lethal of the sports (they have baseball bats), had a game on the day we discovered this, but "coincidentally" the game was cancelled. one of them tried to kill me, but we got away in time. you never know who is working for them. perhaps the baseball team was not secretly on the side of the aliens, but they could have been. also, the same day, i was witness to a brain stealing by one of their human agents, who for security reasons will not be mentioned. the day after the discovery more clues were realized. do you remember the Y2K scare? perhaps the aliens started that just to create a false sense of safeness after the apocolypse never came. or maybe the year 2000 hasnt really come yet. you never know. we do not know how deep this conspiracy goes. if you have seen the movie 'slacker' you would know what i mean (with the guy talking about the US government having colonized mars since the early 50s etc). really in my opinion the scariest thing about the situation is our dependance on trashcans. i know about the conspiracy, and yet i still throw things away. there is no logical course of action. all we can hope to do is spread the word.

view other lesser (though they are all a large threat)conspiracies

questions or comments? either would be appreciated, especially if you have any other relevant info related to these conspiracies (or anything else we should be wary about). please email us at:

(all of the pictures found here were stolen. sorry. if you own them tell us and we'll give them back)