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The xXx Files Inc. :: HOME

Everyone, there is a problem with the site. Not everything works right. However, you can help. I don't know how. Just trying to be like those World Vision ads, where Conan is sure to star in one.

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Yeah, I know that is BS. You will never know how many people actually did look at the site.

By the way, (this is the truth) more than 30 people have actually seen this site!



The xXx Files Inc.

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Welcome to the home page of The xXx Files Incorporated.

What is The xXx Files Inc.?
The xXx Files Inc. is a small company who let people have a good laugh for a cheap price.


Uh huh. And how do they do that?
The CEO of The xXx Files Inc. is The Chickenator. What he does is edit the pages of the Student Study Planner, most of 'em are very funny. Several people laugh their heads of and continually want more. But remember it's not a free service, employees have to get PAID.

Really. Just how much does this FABULOUS service cost??
Only 15 CENTS a page!

Can I join too? Do I get anything for joining?
Of course. YOU get paid, free page views and might even get something every Friday. Of course, not just anyone can join. And you have to WORK MAN!

I'm a female teacher. Can I join?
No you may not. Unless you were to give me at least $25, I'm not interested. Besides, you'd probably tell the Year Level coordinator or something.



 © 2002-2003 The xXx Files Inc.

Don't be gay!

Did you know that every year, 11,000 Americans injure themselves trying out new sexual positions? If you want positions, click here. (not up yet)