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They're three-dimensionally oval, they're smooth, they're small (actually, they vary in size), they came from a chicken and they're coming to get you-
Sprung from a little obsession is this charming infatuation.
Share the joys and delights of...the common Egg.


Oh I, Oh Me,
What tis I see?
What shall I true
For breakfast hee?
There nought is bought
For I to hee,
For none have thought
To breakfast me.
Oh ye! Oh ye!
Delight so pure
Resounding glee,
Pursues the hee
To say, oh yée:
I'll have me an egg.

Not one to boast, but...

Look at my eggs, dude!

Tap Tap

You know how I am with technicalities.
The Egg:
1)The most expensive egg ever sold was the Faberge "Winter Egg" sold in 1994 for $5.6 million.
2)Eggs contain the highest quality protein you can buy. Egg protein has just the right mix of essential amino acids needed by humans to build you own tissues. In addition, eggs have thirteen essential vitamins and minerals.
3)The entire month of May has been declared "National Egg Month". This is the time of the year to celebrate the many benefits of the egg.
4)Eggs were coloured, blessed, exchanged and eaten as part of the rites of spring long before Christian times. There are now 200 breeds of chickens.
5)White shelled eggs are produced by hens with white feathers and ear lobes. Brown shelled eggs are produced by hens with red feathers and red ear lobes. There is no difference in taste or nutrition between white and brown eggs.
6)An average hen lays 300 to 325 eggs a year.
7)A hen starts laying eggs at 19 weeks of age.
8)As a hen grows older she produces larger eggs.