Idea nicked and reproduced without the kind permission of the real cook report online.

Wankers from Wigan, 9.00pm, 26 August, ITV

Sex offenders, thieves, road rage killers - all free to play Rugby. Roger Cock tracks down the twats with young auzzie rent boys in their closets and exposes the scandal of the disgraced dumbarses who get paid money for twatting the shit out of each other.

In his special investigation, Roger and his team discovers the shocking truth about how easy it is for rich Chairmen and their cronies to bend the rules.

Victims who have suffered at the hands of the bent hierachy talk frankly about how they feel about their tormentors being given carte blanche to once again ply their lucrative trade - regardless of the lives they may have ruined.

His findings shatter the commonly held belief that once struck off, beefy cunts are unable to play again.

Here at the Cock Report website, sometime soon, Roger will introduce the site and some of the most exciting moments from some of his award winning programmes. There's also opportunities for you to contact Roger with your thoughts on his investigations and topics that you believe may warrant investigation.

In the meantime, you'll just have to do with the latest scandal that is hiding in Wigan - the myth of Wigan Pier.