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October 31st- Happy Halloween. Yeah, so. Yeah.... rrrr.... bla.

October 30th- QOD: "Oh there you are, and there's nothing I can say. It's not suposed to be this way." - Long Way Down, The Goo-goo Dolls.

October 25th- No school today, but I really don't have anything to say. First Zombie Club meeting tonight will be held at Ian's house. The Ring is a very good movie, but be sure to go see it sometime when there arn't alot of obnoxious pre-teenagers there. God, am I tired. There is this band called Slush. I burned Bea, the German Exchange student my Notwist cd. She somehow found it really funny that she had never heard of them and I had. Did I metion I was tired? Very tired?

October 23rd- Wow, two days in a row. Today was so bad it was really funny. It started out with being late for class, then somewhere inbetween that and acsendely pissing of my math teacher I manged to among other things stick my elbow in gum and fall. I do mean really fall too, I was throwing my backpack on over my sholder and it sent me way off blance. I went flying over and rolled onto the ground. As I was going down my hair somehow manged to get stuck in the zipper of my bag. It was horribley painfull and funny at the same time. Then after play pratice Adam came over and created an amazeing movie for my US history class. Guess what we found? DRACRETARD! We're going to have to finish writeing it now. So in another 30 years you guys better come see that play. G'night

October 22nd- Hello. I haven't updateing in awhile but don't worry... or get excited (either way) I am still alive. So that's that. I have to finish three porjects, one of them tonight, one tommrow, and on over the weekend. You know everyone probaly thinks of fundmental emotions are completely diffrent. Like love and hate? How many possible defintions of love and hate can there be? I bet everyone's is diffrent. I think I'll do a study on it when I get some free time.... So in like a year.

October 18th- My updates just get further and further apart, then closer and closer, then futher and futher in a consistant pattern. Not much has happend this week, I have been constantly doing homework and reading Watership Down. It is not a bad book. It's actually rather enjoy other than the fact that the guy who wrote it odviously knew nothing about rabbits. I also have a chemistry report due in two weeks and a US history report due Wendsay. This week will not, I repeat, will not be fun. Tommrow I think I'm doing something social and tonight I'm going to go to work, then sit around with Ian for awhile. There are several movies comeing out I've got half a mind to go see. I think that's about it. I popped in some of the bonus featurs on A Beatiful Mind, while I was doing my homework this week. Pretty nifty. Aside from that I got my braces off. I have another year of invisble one's but that's that. This week has been pretty awful and I aplogize if I feel asleep on you at some point in time.

October 13th- What a night. I was at work all day, which was stupid. At the end of work Fitz came to pick me up and we wented to snucks and rented one of the Ewalkes movie. After that we went on a walk and then went and dropped off the movies then came back and were sitting in his car talking. So it may have looked alittle odd, sitting in a car at like midnight in a parking lot... but still, it wasn't such a big deal until Fitz's car went dead. So sat there a few more moments laughing then got out of his car at the same time these two guys were walking over to there care. The one guy was in my US history class and I am fairly sure they were both drunk. They started talking to us and quite apprently thought Fitz and I were haveing sex. It was really comical... or something like that. But, oh well. It was an okay night. So G'night.

October 11th- I'm going to re-write my everything you need to know about me section soon. Today was a strange mixture. The highlight (maybe that is not the right word..) was probaly when I spilt half a carton of apple juice all over the floor then manged to slip in it while I was cleaning it up. I swear to God I just lay there in the middle of the floor in a pile of apple juice. Like something you'd see in a bad horror movie if that apple juice was actually blood. After that I blasted depresseing music in my room smelling like apple juice until it was time to go the the fabric store. I ran into Ian and passed out on his floor for awhile too. I met his mom and she is very nice but Ian kept telling her all the stupid things I've done some she probaly thinks I'm an idiot. Well. She probaly knows I'm an idiot. So that was that. G'day.

October 9th- So I'm starting to wonder. Hum.

October 7th- I take time off from all this fucking homework only to warn you that talking to me tonight will not go well at all. I aplogize.

October 4th- Friday again, and about bloody time. It's absoultly stupid that we have to do the same stupid patern of abosoutel stupidity over and over and bloody over again. Today Hilary, Adam Pokey and I all hung about doing random odds and ends of things. I still do not believe it is possible for a guy to get that stuff in his eyes Pokey and Adam. There is just NO WAY. That is pretty much all I have to say for today. My family and I are going out of town this weekend which will no douth not be very fun. I have tons of homework on which I'll be trying to complete on a cheep labtop. That is all I have to say for today and probaly for the next seven or so days. G'night.