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May 25th- I have not updated in awhile, partly becasue finals are coming up and partly because I am exstremly lazy. I shaved for the first time in forever yesterday and my legs feel all smooth and it is really confuseing me. I go down to strach my leg and I'm like "ark! that's not my leg! Were is all that curly man hair?" then I remember I shaved. Fitz and I went out on our first real date in honer of our six month annversy which was this last thursday. AND on friday night I went to see Soul Asylum (whahahaha) with Fitz, Eddie, Jaime and Katelyn. It was pretty amusing. I knew like a tottal of two songs including the ever amazing Run Away Train. That song has such stupid lyrics that it is wonderful. Well, no school tommrow and my parents and (possible sister as well) are going out of town tonight so I am going to do the ever exciting thing of renting moives and sitting around in my pajams with whatever friends I can pull up. So like, whichever one of the three of them isn't busy. Jamie is going to become a nudest Anrchist because she needs a hobbie. Anyway, yes. That is the excitement of my weekend. G'night/day.

May 10th- So tonight was the battle of the bands at my school. Fitz's band was the only really good band, and let me tell you they were really really great. You couldn't understand the vocals but it didn't even matter because they were amazing. It was so cool, when Fitz's band came on Katelyn (that spelling does not look right) and I both pulled out our camera's and I was just like "Man, we're such girlfriends." Katelyn seemed very cool but I still have to get her back for wedgieing me. Anyway, after the battle of the band my sister dropped off Hilary and Amber and then I came home. Then I showerd, then I put cloths back on and Fitz came over and we sat around. I got him a plant but he left it here. Man, I talk about Fitz too much.

May 4th- This has been a somewhat busy week. So, The Trail of Goldilocks finally started touring this week. It was somewhat hectic at frist because one of the jury members was out of town so Lydia's sister had to take over that part and memories all those lines in, like, two days. Then Hunter got some kind of bug or another so I had to memorise all of her lines in like an hour. It wasn't that hard however, because I allready knew most of the lines I just had to figure out were they were. Okay, so after the second show we were all suposed to go on stage and awser questions of all the little kids. So, this was all fine and dandy until one of the kids decided to point at me and ask "Why is that girl such a brat?" man. It was so funny I couldn't stop laughing I had to walk of stage because I was laughing so hard I was crying. I think Lydia said something to the kid like "she's really nice, her charicter is just a brat" but really, of all the questions that kind could have asked.... yarsh. Man. I don't think anyone in the drama department is going to call me anything but Brat for the rest of my highschool life. Then, Thrusday was the Film Festive at Chaminade (sp?). Fitz and his friend Eddie had enterd I film so I went to see it there. It was an amazing mockary of deep things. There were some other pretty nifty movies too, accompained by several bad ones. Let's see then friday Lauren got a big group together to go see X-men two. It was very good. However, Fitz and I being us, got lost on our way there. Also, Satruday Fitz and I went out to my country house and I introduced him to Jane and John and we walked around and sat around until we had to go back to Kirkwood. I need to do homework now. Yeash.(oh Amber! Brain and his girlfriend were sitting several rows infront of Fitz and I in X-men! Small world.)