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March 25th- Man, this weeks been so off the wall.... IT'S IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FLOOR! I just really wanted to say that.

March 21th- Spring break has finally started everybody, and let me tell you. Life is to short to not spend time sitting around in your underwear drinking mass amounts of diet coke straigth from the bottle. Globe Foods is the coolest place in the world. Oh and Roland... where are you?

March 15th- Week to week nothing. This should be called the week to week nothing because I update weekly at best. This week was a week which begane with a Monday and will be concluded Sunday shortly. Yesterday (friday) was pie day. We had a party in my math class and Lauren S, Gare-ry and I talk about how my mom is crazy and weekend plans. Then I started throwing things at Mr. Kurtz. Oh the excitement. Afterschool my dad and I went to get Matchbox Twenty tickets. Then Fitz and I went to see the play Abby's in.... Cinderlla. It was okay and I haven't seen her in quite some time so that was nice. Trent was also there and I was given the impression Maggie was around there somewhere but I did not find her. After that we went back to his house and watched the rest of the Graduate. That moive is strange by pretty good. I think a bunch of those people I convers with are going bowling tonight. Mr. Muffin will be calling me with details or something.

March 8th- Yesterday was friday finally and I supose it had it's ups and downs but was over all good. Fitz and I went to the library and did recycleing for his mom then went shopping for a gift for Adam after school. We got him and Avirl poster and turned this stupid little adversitment postcard into a card reading "dear Addy-muffEN we got this for you because we love you. Though love. Your Friends, Langen and Fitz." then we rememberd it was Pokeys birthday too so we got him a giant bag of candy and another stupid adverstivment card reading "Dear Pokey, atleast we didn't get you what we got Adam. Your Friends, Langen and Fitz." Man, we are such losers. Anyway then we picked up Adam's and took him to his party and ate and such. I wasn't feeling so well after dinner and Fitz was really tired so we came back to my house to like zone out for alittle while. However, as we were doing this. My other rude friends ditched Amber and Jaime, so they came back and Fitz got the bright idea to go to Denny's. So we did and it was quite fun. I got half and half on the ceiling and like half of Denny's stood up and hugged Amber. She claimed to know them but I think it was Random Hug Day and Fitz, Jamie and I just got left out. Anyway, then Fitz drove us all home crazy which was very fun except he shouldn't have done that with my sister in the car because she is a big baby. Okay. bye.

March 4th- I really should get around to hanging up my calander.