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July 26th- Two updates in a week.... wait..... wait... three that's right. Anyway tonight was The Paper Destiny of Nation's (fitz's bands) show. Let me tell you, these guys are turely great. Anyone who doesn't think so has terrible terrible taste, but then again. I don't really thing there was anyone who doesn't like them. I was selling there EP's for them. They brought 50 to sell and sold all exsept 3. That is pretty damn impressive. Mmm. Yes and Katelyn threw her bra on stage which is very hot, and I took mine off and I was going to have Hilary throw it on stage but, then I was afraid maybe I would get it back..... and it was on of my nice comfortable bras. Mmm. Oh, and they had ash-trays in the bathroom whichs was so cool. Clair and I went in there and pretend to smoke and talk about beating up people. There were a lot of people from school there and alot of people I knew from past shows so that was kind of cool. Anyway, anyone who wants a Paper Destiny of Nations cd can go to there website ( and order it. I highly reccomend doing so. Oh yes and earlier today Hilary and Libby and I went out to eat. Well they ate, I can't ever eat out because I live in america were everything is meat in cheese. Yeah, anyway. That's it. G'night.

July 22nd- Mmm. Amber told me I should update more because apprently, she actually reads this. Hello, Amber. Well, yesterday I went to see my obnoixous witch docter again and the news is: I'm still dieing and he is a quack who won't help anyway. Aside from that yesterday I went out with Hilary, Amber and Rob. We went to Tillman, drove around and rrr... oh yes. We went to Oberwise and Hilary got icecream and Rob and I got soda's and Amber sat there looking sad and I keep telling her I'd get her icecream but she refused it. Anyway, we had fun but it was a kind of crappy day anyway. Today Rob and Amber and I went to lunch. Then we dropped Rob off. Then we blasted and sung along with Amazeingly fun songs like "Girl you know it's ture" by Milli Vanlli and "Girls just want to have fun" By Cyndi Lauper while I took Amber around to drop off letters at diffrent Law Firms (She needs some one to soponser her). Yes, so then I came here. I have to work tonight so bla because I thought I had today off. Another three more days until Fitz get's back. It's been almost two weeks and (yes Hilary) being the mildly girlfriendy girlfriend I am I miss him. Okay. I think that is all I have to say.

July 20th- I am back from vactaion. I know, most of you did not know I had left but I did. And now I am back.

July 9th- Hello again, look my updates are only four days apart. So, I dyed my hair, it's reddish-pinkish.... it doesn't last very long. It's suposed to wash out in 24 washes and I've been know to shower twice in one day. Anyway, it sort of reminds me of Ginger Spice's hair. Yep. So that's that. Oh yes, and my website is a year old today. Please wish it a happy birthday.

July 6th- So Hilary and I went out my lake house this weekend for the fourth of July and it was excellent, dispite my parents. We were tottly sitting on the top of my bunk of my bunk beds yelling really stupid insults at eachother last night. Her favorite insult for me is "Stupid girlfriend!" and my favorite for her is porbaly "Molester!" Anyway, after we got bored yelling random insults at eachother we started yelling into Jamie in the next room. We just kept screaming "Jamie's an Angery Lesiban!" and other things around that line. Evntually we just started chanting "Jamie Jamie, Jamie's a short angery lesbian!" And so finally Jamie came into the room with the intents of killing us and I was like "Jamie, so do you consiter yourself more short, more angery, or more lesbian?" and was like "when I'm near you guys... more angery!" and then she chased us around the house screaming jumping out from behind doorways and screaming things like "HERE'S LESBO!" It was so amazing stupid and fun. Maybe you guys had to be there. But we are tottaly makeing a bunch of "when so and so attacks" movies starting with "When Angery Lesbian's Attack" and concluding with "When Angery Vegatrians Attack". It'll be hot. Hot like a Hilary. Many other fun events happend over the weekend and on Wendsay I got see Ian for the first times in several weeks which was cool. We tried to find this Chinese place that Brenna and I had gone to but we diffentaly couldn't find it so we went to the food court in the mall. The excitement. Anyway, I'm gonna split like a bannan and go do something. FIVE MORE DAYS UNTIL PIRATES OF THE CARRABIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU JOHNY DEPP!!!!!