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January 17th- Atleast I think that's the date, really who keeps track of those things anymore. Today was a day which was concluded by a night. All I have been listening to lately is random mix's that I keep makeing for people but not giveing to them. I really like Jude and Radiohead. They are bands I have liked before but am growing to love quickly. Does anyone know who sings the song that goes "all around me are formillar places, worn out faces..." or something like that? I would like to know. God I have nothing to say. Goodbye.

January 15th- Download I Know, by Jude.

January 9th* (date corrected)- Finals were somewhat hard today but I lived. After school Addy-muffen and I went to California Pizza Kicten with my sister as a sort of 'last meal' before her surgery. Then we got the bright idea to make a movie. HAHA. It ended up being an amazeing film about a purple people eater which killed Aviel Leving or however you spell that girls name. We ended up getting, Ian, Amber, and Jeffreny invovled. Anyone who wants to see it tell me. I think I'm going to try to get it on Sundance. Anyway, after watching the amazeing film I went out with Fitz. We went to see About Smitzd's and it was pretty good allthought somewhat sad. Allright. Well. G'night.

January 7th- I hate chemistry. I hate fianls. I hate school. I hate Faith Hill. Molester of good music...

January 4th- Argh. Let me tell you this, loves, the perfect pancake does NOT always make perfect pancakes. Matter a fact today Fitz and I could not get it to actually make ONE perfect pancake. I mean, we came close once or twice. We had a couple "almost perfect pancakes". But it's not called "The almost perfect pancake" maker. NO. It's called the PERFECT PANCAKE maker. So we should have had PERFECT PANCAKES. I'm so upset. Anyway. The week has been somewhat long dispite the fact that we only had one day of school. Yesterday Adam, Franz, Pokey, Hilary, Fitz and I played video games, and watched a truely awful movie. Another one I'll have to write about. We also went out to eat. The wedgey(ie?) war between Adam and I is not going well. Currently he's up by six... I have 9 and he's got 15. But I'll get that bastard... and his little Pokey too. Opps. That sounds sort of dirty. Oh well. I am just babbleing now so I'm going to go. I need to study for my finals and such. Oh G'night/day.

January 1st- There has not been one month in the inter life of the Day~to~Day Nothing were I have actually updated every day. Well, I had a new years party which started out allright but went downhill so sorry everyone who came and had an awful time. I am very tired and not interly sure why I am awake. G'night. (Well, now the rest of the day because I wrote that at like one in the morning and I actually feel like updateing today.). I woke up at like 9:30 and fittled around online. I seem to have formed an unhealth habit of reading peoples online diarys. I just get a kick out of the people who are all like "I'm emo. Moan." or "I'm goth. Die." And even those people with just regualar online jornals, I find fun to read. I hope nobody I don't know reads my thing the way I read other people's I don't know. They would just be bored senceless. But, I really think it's my secret urge to be a stalker. That would be pretty cool. To be a stalker I mean. Anyway Fitz came over around two today and we watched Fragel Rock and Lendgen. Good show, Great movie. Overviwe of the year: I should have slept more, ate less, forced myself to smile more and stay awake threw lunch for a change, spell checked this site more often, jumped off a house or tall building leaveing a sucided note blameing Mr. Becker, and possible become a druggie acholaic. I bet those guys have almost as much fun as the stalkers. Maybe I'll become a drunk pot smokeing stalker this year. That would be so nifty. But there would be the issue of who I'd stalk. And how I'd get pot and booze. If I wait until I'm 21 I could go to that drive threw liqour store out were my contry house is. Then I could be a stalker who gets drunk and smokes pot while driveing. So that's nice I guess. Okay, I'm done. I better turn over....

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