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Halloween 5

The Story: I woke up at what I thought was eleven but was really ten because of daylight saveings time had just started or ended. Which ever one gives you more time, I don't remember. I rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of comfortable jeans. I warned downstairs and found my sister Jamie, intently watching the TV. Her random surfing had lead her the AMC monster movie fest. And what movie was on pre-chance? Halloween Five. We sat, unable to movie away from the screen. Watching as teenager after teenager was slaughted, and as some little nine year old girl and her little friend Billy ran around trying to find her sister. We were shocked and upset when female charcters actually tried to figth back (which they are not suposed to do in bad horror flicks). We were confused when the good ol' cop that had been tracking Mike since the first movie turned stupid. Most of all, we were horrifed however, when we realised that we had just watched one of the most awful movies ever made. I really do not think there was any saveing grace, or postive aspects of this movie.

The plot: Mike Meyars nine year old neice predicts his return and begs her older sister and her friends not to go out that halloween night. They do anyway however, and are attacked. Boohoo.

Rateing: 9