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You Are Stevo!

Which SLC Punk are you?
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June 16th- You know that old Collective Soul song Dandy Life? I think I am going to remake this website with that song theme. Dispite the fact that I do find "does god have a car?" amusing it's just not that intresting. Besides it took me no time to do sice I allready had that picture downloaded and htmled so what's the fun in that? Anyway. Yes. So "What's In A Day Of Dandy Life? (Everything)" Is going to be my new theme unless anyone will so kindly post a better idea in my guestbook. Bla. I am tried.

June 11th- I woke up this morning I woke up really early for work. Got then reliazed I didn't have to work today. I'm working tommrow. Very impressive, eh? I was hanging out with Ian this morning, since I did not have to work, and around noon I was leaving and I walked out into there kitchen and his little brother was standing there in his boxers and froke out. It was amazing, he was like "For crying out loud over the school year I have to go to bed before his friends even leave and now they're here before I wake up in the morning!" Then he ran into him room. It was great.

June 7th- Come on you guys. You know you like the new religion-mocking, drive-in liquor store showing, deep thought-provoking new lay-out of this site so stop pretending otherwise. This weeks been okay. Wensday I started working for the libaray, Tuseday I started my one nanny job but I don't start the other until the 17th. It feels good not to be broke, allthought I am putting a wooping 25$ a week into my account to save up for whatever I chose to do in my summer/year between college and highschool. Because I worked all last summer and never botherd to save any of it. This year I really should save something. Anyway, in other events Amber and I got lost in a small rich suber and it was really scary. Two days ago Jamie and I went to see Wrong Turn which was amazing! Really you can't go wrong with cannaiblistic mountian men DISFORMED FROM YEARS OF INBREEDING!!!!!!! Next on the Jamie/Langen movie list: Piriates of the Carribian.... BECAUSE GUESS WHO'S IN IT? MOFOIN' JOHNY DEPP. He is such a bloody stud-muffin. Guess what's next on the "Langen will have to bribe someone to go see this with her" list? Christ.... I forgot the name, but guess who's in it? LUKE WILSON. It's my goal to see every movie he was ever in, because he, like Johny Depp is a bloody stud-muffin. Oh yes, and yesterday I went to Erin and Ellen's house with Fitz then when I got home Ian was waiting for me outside my door so I hung out with him for a few hours and we pranked Adam and then when I was driving him home it was really really really foggy. Like horror movie fog. I could not see ten feet infront of me. I am going to see the Flaming Lips tonight but Fitz has not called me yet. I guess I will have to call him. argh. Well, that is my exciting week. I'm sure I did other things too but that is all I feel like typing because only two people read this anyway.

June 2nd- Man, the wedgie war between Adam and I has escolated into a full fledged 'prank' war between he, Franz, and probaly several other people and Hilary, Fitz, Amber and I. I'll probaly be able to get some help from Ian and Jamie too. Wahahahahaha. So only one of Adam and Company's pranks have actually hit me however. What a nerd. Oh and guys seriously cut out the dead fish thing. Not only does it make you a terrible vegaterian (Adam!), it is just grose and not funny. Allright watch your toes guys. Watch them.