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(Old) You see that light at the end of the tunnel? That's not Heaven. THAT'S AN UPDATE! 2/15/03


Daredevil is daretastic!

I have now seen Daredevil three times. If you have not, then you are obviously a communist dictator and must be shot with a gun in the head a lot. Like, more than once by a bunch.

Ok, News. Apparently, there is not one, but TWO SPAMMERS on Bree's poll, which is putting Jewey McGee (me btw) at a distant third. I said, if they spam, we spam. Get to it mutha-lovah!

That contest I was talking about? I shall now explain it.

The person who hits 666 on my page counter wins a prize!


Ok, the 666th visitor to my site (or closest if no one claims the 666ness, I.E. 665 or 667) needs to do that print screen thingamabob and show me proof that they were the 666th visitor. If you are, you get an entire update dedicated to YOU!


Not Poop!


Anyway, good luck to the winner. Last time I checked the counter was at 620, so yeah. Pie and the like.

That's it for Matt Jewdock over here. Time to go throw Chinese stars at vulgar Irishmen.



(Old) Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Glory to the New-Found Update. Jews! 2/11/03


So, I got a pretty big response on my haiku section. Yay for me.

Many have requested more haikus. As you all know, I am a lazy Jewish mo-fo who uh....lazes about.

So, if you want new haikus, we gotta make a deal.

Currently, Bree's website is hosting a new poll. I happen to be on it. If I win, you get more haikus. If I lose, you get what's left of my ancestoral home...sand. Yup.

Chilluns, you have your mission. Go forth and make me totally win.

The link for Bree's page is at the bottom of my page.

Oh, and I promised Bree no spamming. So, only vote once a day guys. However, if anyone decides to spam, we go bandit, Reynold's style. Word.

Now quit being a Jew and go!


The Standard Deviants are like...ghey and stuff.

Oh yeah, also, I'm going to have contest pretty soon! I'll give you the info before its too late. You'll see what I mean, Krishna.


(Old) Agh...Its all Jewed up. 2/6/03

Ok. Here we go again.

Let me start off with this. Jame, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to take this so seriously. It was simply an innocent request to say who you are, and if not, then to at least ask Bree's permission to use her webdesign. I'm more then sure that she would've said yes.

Apparently you interpreted this the wrong way.

Not once did I want you to get rid of your site altogher (and yes, I know I said that I would destroy the site, but that was Adam just being Jewish. It happens).

The official thing I was female dog in heatin' about? Once again, just Adam being Jewish. I didn't really care much about it.

Now, about me finding out how you ran this site, please know that NO ONE told me that you were the one running it. I found out by my own methods.

Jame, again, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to take such drastic measures. I only wanted honesty. That's it. Don't close down your site just because of this.

So, once again, sorry.

I like pie.

Fetch me my gun, wench.

The Standard Deviants suck.


(Old) Ok...2/5/03

Here we go folks. The proprietor of the so-called "Official Anti-Standard Deviants" Website is none other then sophmore Jame Allphin (One L or two? Can't remember, don't care. At least I know there's an a in the name)

First, I defend. Then I try to make peace.

Here we go.

Ok, Jame? Let's analyze your latest post on your website. Shall we?

Well excuse me!! i think that my site beats Adam's site anyday! Mine acually has pages.. and crap. i mean he really needs to learn how to make a good website! EVERYONE would agree that mine is better. his has stupid reasons.. mine makes fun of them. Why dont you just email me? and we can talk like that instead of taking space on my front page?

Ok, Jame, seriously. Are you that stupid. Point number one: "Mine acually has pages.. and crap.". Yes, yours does have pages. Pages that you stole from Bree.

Point Two: "i mean he really needs to learn how to make a good website!". Ok, can we get a resounding "Duh." in here? I know, along with everyone else, that I have zero, none, zilch, nada skills with the html. None. I use the Angelfire Basic Editor for Moses' sake. But do I care? No. At least I can make my site original.

Point Three: "EVERYONE would agree that mine is better. ". ...That one speaks for itself.

Point Four: "his has stupid reasons.. mine makes fun of them.". Oh I see. My calling them names, labeling their manager a terrorist, making a list of over 24 ways how they suck isn't making fun of them at all! Oh silly Adam! Back to the gas for me!

Oh, and to go further on that one, your site sure does make fun of the band. You know, by constantly talking about how much Bree and I "suck", I'm sure the audience is just rolling in the freaking aisles about how great you are at making fun of TSD. Ha-ho!

Point Five: "Why dont you just email me? and we can talk like that instead of taking space on my front page?". Pal, you want to talk to me? My email is always at the bottom of my page. Always. Here it is:

In case ya forgot, there it be.

Ok, moving along.

Honestly, I don't mind you bad-mouthing me. Seriously, everyone else does, so I don't really care. What I don't like is you insulting my friend. I think you know what I mean.

"In other news... bree's site is stupid!!! i mean really.. I didn't steal her webdesign in order to cheapen her site... I simply barrowed it.. and how can you cheapen somthing that is as cheap as bree's stupid fanatic site...i mean common people

Yes, common people, barrow!

Sorry, had to point me out the misspellinz.

Ok. Here we go (again.)

Bree is my friend. Has been since last year and probably will be for a long time afterwards. What you said about her was rude and immature.

Once again, we shall take it point by point.

Point One:"In other news... bree's site is stupid!!! ". In other news, no one gives a crap!

Point Two: "i mean really.. I didn't steal her webdesign in order to cheapen her site... I simply barrowed it.." . I'm sorry friend, but borrowing without someone's permission (and I know Bree didn't give you hers) is what we here in Non-Utah call "stealing". Here's a story to explain this strange, new concept.

Little Joey was walking down the street when he saw Little Billy's new bike. Without Little Billy's permission , Little Joey jumped on the bike and sped away. He died of cancer three days later.

Now, you see Jame? When you don't have permission, it is stealing. It is not borrowing. Heck, it's not even barrowing.

Point Three: "and how can you cheapen somthing that is as cheap as bree's stupid fanatic site...i mean common people". Let's try this Dr. Freud. Since you stole Bree's webdesign, then basically you two have the same site. So if Bree's is cheap, then yours is too!


Ok, Jame. Time to get serious. If you wanted to start a Standard Deviants hate site, then that's fine. I'm sure the band wouldn't mind and neither would anyone else. But when you start stealing other people's designs and then name your site "official" when there's already a well-established one on the net, well, that's when it gets a bit tangy.

Really, this isn't about the official thing (even though I'm still not completely over that) as much as it is the the theft and even more so the anonymity. If you're not afraid to defend your site and stand up for what you believe in, then just say who you are. It'd show a lot more courage and command a hell of a lot more respect. Right now you're just the scared little kid in the corner turning in his superlatives fill-out sheet, scared to let anyone see that he put himself as "Biggest Flirt".

You are one lucky Brighamite. With my powers of sarcasm I could so take down your "humor", Maddox style. And don't even get me started on your spelling. However, I will take the mature role here and refrain.

Anyway, if you want to talk reasonably, contact me or Bree. You have both our emails, plus we all happen to attend the same school.

Peace out.

The Standard Deviants suck.


(Old) Stinky Apples its a update! 2/2/03

Ok. Ok. Ok. What in Joseph Smith is going on here?

That. What is that?

What in Krishna's name is that?

Excuse me, for just one moment.




OFFICIAL ANTI-STANDARD DEVIANTS WEBSITE?! Excuse me, but how about no Captain Joe?!


AGHHH! If only Mormons didn't frequent my website I'd be swearing more then Al Pacino at nap-time.

Official!? Official?! I swear to all the Heavens above me, that website shall be destroyed.

I mean, Buddha look at this ghey freaking humor!

It has come to my attention that the standard diviants suck!! they bite the big one! anyone who ever likes them are really stupid! and anyone that likes them should die.. i know that i used to like them.. back when i was young and stupid.. but now i have grown and i am smarter than that now! i'll NEVER be a fan!! ever again!!! they absolutly BITE!!

Oh no! I'm sure they're real insulted. I'm sure they feel just awful that you think they "bite". Well darn skippy Ralph Malph, you can just sit on it!

And this person (probably Mormon) can't even freaking spell.

*note. this is the official ANTI- DIVIANT site. please visit Adom's UNofficial anti- diviant site. click link below*

Tis late and I am tired. Soon such crimes will be dealth with.

There has been and always will be one official Anti-Standard Deviants website. It was the first and it will be the last.

Viva la revolution!


Not to be confused with Adom, leader of the Apple-Jack tribe.

(Old) Can you smell that? Its an update...and chicken. 1/26/03

Hey folks, just got back from the 4n6 tourney. If ya want to know about it....ask other people. Yeah.

Anyway, I watched debate Friday night (don't ask) and wrote these haikus. They're not about hating the standard deviants (who totally blow btw), but they're more fun then a crate of dead babies!

(Awesome) Haikus

By Adam

There is a Jew here,

He likes to wear pants,

They totally rule.

Brigham Young is neat,

But Moses could so take him,

Don't "F" with a Jew.

Debate is not fun,

If I did it then I'd die,

Then the world would cheer

I like pie a lot,

It is so cool and tasty,

Much like the black plague.

Will is a weirdo,

I'm told he likes little boys,

I am not surprised.

It is six twenty,

Where are your children my friend?

Dead is the answer.

Time to write haikus,

I need seven syllables...

...Don't "F" with a Jew.

Note: The following Haiku is about Andy Johnston and James Eason. Not Asian Chambers and Midget Scanlan

Andy is so ghey,

I sure do hate him a lot,

James is his lover.

I like to sing songs,

"The Thong Song" is the greatest,

Sisqo is Jesus.

Assemblies suck,

Especially this one now,

Fetch me my gun, wench.

Murder is nifty,

Like something that is nifty,

Satan compels you.

My hat is a hat,

What do you think about that?

Martin Van Buren.

Well that's it. I am outta here. Take the new poll and let me know which Haiku was your fave.

Oh, and Southern, I LOVE YOU!....and stuff.



There's new stuff?? Jews? Juice?