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Deer Hunt 2.5: "Not good enough for 3...Two thumbs way down!"


As our boys are on their amazing journey, they find themselves standing alone in a field, with only the mosquitoes as their friends. They wonder why the audience still cares.

Tell me people! What are the producers thinking? Why are we getting paid for putting this crap together?!

I mean, looking for deer was funny the first few snapshots. Now..? Now it's...just not!

Sheesh, do the producers think that hits are gonna go up if we put a guy with no shirt in the show?

Oh boy! He sure looks like he's a jungle boy because of that clump of dirt that Jin threw on him!

These guys aren't waiting for deer, just their paychecks

Lucky punk. That's one less guy who has to put up with this trash!

It's over!

Now go see your bishop.


What do the Critics say?

The following is an excerpt from an interview between the producer and the head critic:

Head Critic: You smell. That last deer hunt was crap!

Producer: We'll just see what viewers think.

HC: I am the viewers, and I say you have no friends!

P: My mom is my friend. And this isn't about me! This is about my most recent (interrupted)

HC: ...most recent display of trash! I've seen overexposed film that was more interesting than that. Even the narrator thought it sucked.

P: Yes, I fired him this afternoon. And we're going to have to wrap this up.

HC: Why? Are you missing the beginning of Pokemon?

(long pause)

P: Why don't you just make your concluding statement so I can (long pause) get out of here.

HC: Alrighty! Overall, I give Deer Hunt 2.5 zero stars, two thumbs down, and applause it for not making it the actual third issue. Also, I advise that you expect it to suck before you take a look at it. Although it deserves more thumbs down and less stars, this is as accurate of a judgment that I can make.