Neal's nifty little place to complain

6/2/03-The Weekend sucks but the Monday is good?

This had to have been by far one of the better Mondays I've ever had. We lucked out and didn't have to present that lame history project on arts and music of the 1800's. The jazz band concert went as well as expected, except for the fact that 7th graders do not clap! Show some respect for your elders, you don't own the place! grr. I doubt I'll be getting my coat back from Jackie anytime soon. Oh well, not that I need it or anything unless for some reason its 40 something out tommorrow and I have to walk. As fun as the troop picnic was, it was kinda depressing. Mr. J is quasi-leaving the troop. Stupid South Carolina job offer. But we'll still see him at some outings so it's all good. That taco salad was really good. I tip my hat to whoever made it. John had Jones soda while he was there and noticed something peculiar on the label. Theres a picture of it, and a little something extra I made below.

Song of the day-Your boyfriend hates me-Reggie and the full effect

Isn't that just weird?

6/1/03-Why won't this weekend end?

Yeah I hate weekends like this. Obviously Saturday was a lot of fun, over at Cischkes/Lindseys etc. And for some reason I end up depressed and restless again. Some know the reason, others I prefer not to tell. I would like to thank Christina and Channing to put up with my bitching last night/this morning. Extra thanks to Channing for letting me know I'm not as bad off as I tend to make myself feel I am. Also, I hate church bands. I'm depressed, had a nosebleed all through the night, and still have a cold, I do not need to listen to awful music about Jesus! To summarize, I feel miserable right now, I have History and Math homework to do. So far, this June has sucked.

Song of the day-Tired of Sex-Weezer

5/30/03-Foo Fighters Rock!

That had to have been one of the most amazing concerts I've been to, topped only by The Who and Warped tour. I got to Cobo kinda late though so I missed the first opening act. Chevelle was pretty good, but they took way too long to set up. To make matters worse there was some really lame DJ playing...lord knows what. But then Chevelle came on and they played a really good set. Foo Fighters took even longer to set up though. And that godawful DJ started to play that Missy Elliot song. I don't want to listen to Missy Elliot with my parents. Okay, I don't want to listen to Missy Elliot, ever! Then the opening chords of All my life started to play and I was at ease. Dave Grohl said some pretty screwed up stuff throughout the concert. And I quote, "Yeah I'd like to talk about Detroit but that would be like sucking every one of your dicks, and you wouldn't like that because I'm a little hung over, and when I'm hung over...I'm all teeth (grr)"...great stuff. Now it's Friday, around 3:45, just played another jazz band concert, yep.

Song of the day-Times like these-Foo Fighters


Today was wonderful. We didn't have to check that grammar worksheet in language arts so the fact I didn't have it doesn't effect my grade. I pulled off a 100 on the science quiz. And on top of all of that I got to miss jazz band and most of geometry. The city meet went as well as could be. I got a 3rd in 200 meter hurdles woohoo! Also, our geometry project isn't due until thursday so the fact I only have the outline done doesn't effect my grade either. Everything went way too well today, sorry for sounding so optomistic. Because we all know that the world is going to turn around and give me a swift kick to the groin tommorrow, or possibly not. Ta ta for now

Song of the day-Boys in the hood-Dynamite Hack(John thank god you showed me this song)

5/26/03-What a splendidly awful way to end a seemingly fun memorial day weekend

Actually, there isn't anything particularly bad about today. I think it's just the fact the past 3 days have been a lot of fun and when you go back to normal and the realization that you have a math project due in two days and that school starts up again tommorrow, things don't seem all that great. I'd like to thank that guy Haneen knew at Burger King for acknowledging the fact that that other worker there forgot to give me my drink, and for the free fries/onion rings. The Matrix Reloaded was amazing. Unbelievably confusing, but amazing. The one thing I didn't understand is why Neo and Trinity had to make out every time they saw each other, couldn't they just say hello? That got kinda lame, okay that got really lame really fast. That and in the sex scene why did they have to end it with various views of Keanu Reeves' buttocks? Do the Wachowski brothers have a secret they've been keeping from us? Take note of the Contact page I recently put up. It's useful if you have intentions of sending me hate-mail or want to complain to me.

Song of the day-Sink Venice-Ikara Colt

Welcome to the 100 block


Yeah the play rocked. Kurt, Cischke, Kevin, etc. etc. you guys did an awesome job. Mrs. K is a complete weiner. I got that pop for helping to set up the cafeteria for the play. I was showing school spirit and helping out, and that disgraceful excuse for a woman made me throw out my cherry coke. Fortunately I was almost done with it. It appears Detroit is pretty much done with. Thankfully we got 2nd lottery pick, Joe Dumars...please be smart and pick up Carmello Anthony. Our offense is relying on Billups and Hamilton and we've had to rely on Tayshaun a couple times. They're all great players and everything but the offense needs to be evened out a bit.

Song of the day-Seven Nation Army-White Stripes


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