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Puus' Lame Ass Page II

Stuff You'd Rather See

jonje's site
toque's site
josh's and craig's site
llama's site
aqua teen hunger force
the onion
my radio station
mp3 - =w= - you won't get with me tonight
mp3 - snl - jack handey's deep thoughts
mpg - snl - buckwheat
wmv - rejected

Sorry this hasn't been updated in such a long friggin' time. It actually took most of the summer for me to come up with what my username and password were for this site so I could get in to change it. Also, it didn't help that I couldn't remember which email account I used to sign up with or my "real" name. I have a hunch that I claimed I was Toque, since it seemed humorous at the time. Maybe that was for something else though. Either way, I'm back! And yes, I am updating this rather than doing my Latin. I'm sick, too, so I really shouldn't be up this late, but it's the best I've felt all day, and I can't seem to fall asleep. Doesn't my life sound great right now? Actually, it's been pretty crazy since I got back here. I thought things were supposed to settle down a bit after freshman year, but apparently not. No wonder I got sick my third week back. I think I've been here that long. I don't really know any more. Maybe it's only two. Yikes! I'm rambling about stuff no one cares about. My sickness clearly is affecting my mental processes, so I'd better chill and put in a pic.

So Wif got me involved with that whole Friendster business, which is kinda creepy in several ways. Anyway, someone had that pic up, and I laughed pretty hard when I saw it, so I'm sharing it with all of you. Yes, I'm a good person like that. Oh, I guess I'll talk about the new media clips now. Weezer is contributing the song "You Won't Get With Me Tonight" to a Buddyhead compilation cd, which is coming out in late September or maybe it's October. At any rate, I don't care anymore since the song was leaked out a few days ago. Now you can all listen, too! It's actually a song from the Black Hole (circa '95), and I could go on for pages about it, but I'll spare you. Definitely feel free to ask me about it though. :) Just so you don't get too confused by the lyrics, it's actually a dialogue between a man and a woman, but since the entire thing was recorded by Rivers alone at his house, it's just him singing both parts. Ok, enough about that. Also up is a collection of Deep Thoughts and a clip of Buckwheat singing his favorite songs. Last, but not least is Rejected. If you don't have it, get it. Unless you have a mac, and can't run wmv, in which case get a friend to dl it for you.
So I've only explained one image thus far, so I'll do the others now. The first one is, of course, the greatest band in the world, Tenacious D. I put it up once before, I think, but oh well. The above is something I found somewhere...yay for vagueness. It's just Bush demonstrating what the war would be like. Kind of old, but I never got around to putting it up before. Better late then never, eh? Hoser. And finally, there's the pic of Brian. He actually doesn't look too scary in this one, but then you see what he's reading there on the stand. I'm sure he got it for the articles...ahem! So it's 2 am, and I have to get up in 7 hours. I think I'd better call it a night so my body has more time to fight off these narsty germs. My theory is that by getting sick now, I'm building up my immune system to these college diseases. That way I won't get sick for the rest of the year. It'll work. You'll see. Oh and check out The Tomatoe for a kick ass update. Ok, so I didn't update anything over there, but no one looks at it, so it would seem new to you. I actually had forgotten what was up there and didn't remember writing most of it. No, I was not high at the time. I know what you're thinking, you crazy buggers. So yeah, good night one and all.

Quote of the day/week/whenever:

MTV chick: "You're pretty vague today. Are you always like this?" RC: "Umm, I dunno."