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PDNaylor's Page

Who I am

Some great websites
Duffy Quotes
What Drinking does to you
The T'inator(got this off Tedder's page) Translates pages into Mr.T talk....try it on my page
eBay...I do a lot of bidding on here, so check it out
Take My Quiz
Quaker Steak and Lube...Home of the greatest hot wings I've ever eaten!
Nickel Creek's Webpage
The Man Show Periodic Table
Pong...not just a game

Friends' Pages
Kris's Page
Luke's Page
Tedder's Page
Mir's Page

The Burn in hell list
The Following people/things can burn in hell:

1. HID Headlights
2. Long waiting lines at Prime Buffet
3. Playstation loading times
4. Nerd "Gamers" at EB
6. The New York Yankees
7. The price of N64 games at stores
8. The Pittsburgh Steelers
9. People that lie about what they are sharing on Morpheus, KaZaa, and other file sharing software.
10. Game Wardens
11. Microsoft
12. Sellouts (Jason Giambi)
13. People who wait until the last minute to bid on eBay.
14. Paying hundreds of dollars for books I'll never open.
15. The Pennsylvania State Game Commission.
16. The University of Pittsburgh Work Study Program.
17. The Los Angeles Lakers.
18. Bandwagon Jumpers.
19. The University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Financial Aid Office
20. People who warn others for the sake of "having fun."
21.America Online
22. A certain someone (you were on here, but I've realized that you are lower than the list to me)
23. The Elevators at Citiline Towers
24. Lazy people who take elevators up one floor, instead of going up the stairs one flight.
25. The NCAA College Football Bowl Championship Series(I mean come on...if the number one team in both human polls DOES NOT PLAY in the National Championship, there's something not working...)

My Good, or Best, Friends

OK...I was told on numerous occasions that this part of my webpage needed updated...After figuring out what needed to be done, I've decided to change this. Some names are taken off, and some names might have been added on, but if you're name was taken off, Don't fret. I'll gladly put it on if you can give me one reasonable memory that you recollect of me. Thank you!

Stacey (and Nick)-Tuesday nights, 'nuff said! No matter what, when we are together, we know how to have fun. If there's nothing going on, we find a way to get something started. We definately need to get together more, now that I'm out in Pittsburgh, and try our best to bring our type of fun from Cambria County, out here to Pittsburgh.

Misti-Hey you...It was good to see you at least one more time before you leave for Iowa (possibly). Congratulations on graduating, I'm proud of you! Keep in touch, and I'll promise to do the same, as soon as I have a way to get a hold of you!

Adele-What can I say to one of my best friends? I don't where I would be if it wasn't without you and the rest of the "Crew." You've helped get through some of my biggest challenges in my life so far. I wish you only the best life can give you, and you better keep in touch!

Kris-Ok ok....There is so much I can say here, but i'll keep it as short and to the point as much as possible....well, that's a load of crap, because I can't keep this short. You're certainly the BEST best friend that I've ever had...I've had so many over the years, and none of them can even compare to you. You've had a way of making me laugh, even in the wierdest situations. You were there when I didn't have any one else to turn to. Your graduation party (which lasted all weekend =D) was possibly one of the greatest times I've had so far this year. We'll need to do that again, even if I only did get 3 hours of sleep throughout the entire weekend. I can't even begin to thank you for being such a good friend to me. Remember all the good times, and hopefully the many more to come! Keep Luke in line as well, I'm happy for both of you, and you both have my blessings in the time to come!

Luke- You'll never be as awesome as ME!!! HAHAHA!!! that I've got my laugh in for the time being, so I better continue with this...You're another one of my BEST Best Friends....You were also there when I needed it, and to give me a good chuckle about how weak and pathetic you really were. But underneath that weak body, you've got one of the strongest personalities a man could ask for. We know to have fun, even if it makes other cringe, or even wonder about us...But it's all in good fun. Keep in touch, and don't scream like a wussy all the time. I told Kris to watch after you, but I'm asking you to watch over her, and if you two need me for anything, just get a hold of me, and I'll come a runnin'!

Josh R.- you're one crazy mo fo, and that's why you are a friend to me. You take it easy over the summer, and hopefully I'll stop in to goof off some.

Dustin Brown-You're one crazy bastard! But that's added a little more craziness to the crew, even though there was more than enough craziness in it with all of us, but it never hurts to have more. Take it easy, and Keep in touch!

TEDDER-Night of the Lepus is the best movie ever, and I mean EVER. Your page is the greatest, and I hope you are able to find a midget. Also, we will start are businesses of and soon!!!

Mariah- Hey, you will always be one of my closest friends, no matter what distances come between us...I hope you get the best of what life gives you, and if you need anything, don't be afraid to call on me. =D

Will- Hey man, what's up? I told you this before, but I couldn't really have a friend part of my page if I didn't have your name in it...we are definately gonna get out and play some golf...Good luck in the future

Olivia- Hey there, just making sure you were mentioned in my friends part. Good luck with everything!

And finally, probably the best best friend that I have ever had...
BOB: My god, there is so much I could say are one of the greatest people in my life, and I feel somewhat privlaged to call you my brother...nobody else (besides Brenda) has that chance. If you hadn't played high school baseball, I would have never got the nickname "Pimp" You were always there for me, and there is no amount of anything I could do to pay you back...You're great, and I know you will lead a successful life in the future...Good Luck with everything, and if you do happen to stumble along the way, I'll be there to help you along, just like you were there for me.

There are many other people that could be on here, but that list is too big...but if you want on here, just tell me.

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