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Contact Me


Sian Bevan

(Click to See Full Size)


Age: 17
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Location: Pontypridd, Wales, UK
Occupation: Student

My Favourite...
Food: Pasta
Music: Anything except for dance & 50 cent!
TV Show: Friends, Footballer's Wives
Author: Jacquline Willson, J.K.Rowling, Enid Blyton
Movie: American pie 1-3, Legally blonde
Actor: Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller & more...
Actress: Keira Knightly
Animal: Rabbit, dog or snake
Possession/Thing: My mobile
Quote: Practice safe sex- go F*** yourself
Band: Nickelback, Offspring, Muse, Eminem & more...

About Me....
Star Sign: Aquarius
Perfect Partner: Someone funny, sweet, lovable, kind, fun!
Hobbies and interests: Swimming, reading, drawing, listening to music!
Makes me Happy: Laughing & chocolate
Makes me Sad: Crying & war
Bad Habits: Biting my nails....

Vital Statistics...
Race: White
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Medium

In a Perfect World....
Chocolate would be good for you, money would grow on trees, there'd be no wars and everyone would be happy and cheerful! :-)


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