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Contact Me


Louise Whiles

(Click to See Full Size)


Age: 14
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single, not looking
Location: Pontypridd, Wales, UK
Occupation: Student, having fun! ;-)

My Favourite...
Food: Chocolate
Music: Pop
TV Show: Friends
Author: J. K. Rowling
Movie: Pirates of the Carribean
Actor: Orlando Bloom
Actress: Jennifer Aniston
Animal: Pig - aww!
Possession/Thing: My teddies, my bed & boys (if you get what I mean)
Quote: I don't like syrup
Band: Good Charlotte

About Me....
Star Sign: Aries
Perfect Partner: Someone kind and good looking who's up for a laugh
Hobbies and interests: Sports, singing, dancing, acting
Makes me Happy: Chocolate! Not dope! Ok Rhi?
Makes me Sad: Bullshitters
Bad Habits: Clicking my fingers

Vital Statistics...
Race: White
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Body Type: Slim

In a Perfect World....
I'd win the lottery (what are the odds?!)


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