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Welcome to Orange Coast College's Pride Club Page

Orange Coast College P.R.I.D.E. Club


Welcome to the Orange Coast College P.R.I.D.E. Club Page. Our Organization serves as a place where OCC students can meet for support and friendship. We meet once a week; on Tuesdays from 5-7 PM, and plan events both within the club and the community. If you idendentify as a member of the GLBTISSA or you just want to support your peers thenDon't Judge us, Join us! and come to a meeting or two and have a good time. For more information on the club or how to contact us, visit our Main page (click the link below) and send an e-mail my way!

Main Page ||| 2001-2002 pictures ||| Events and Parties ||| OCC Home ||| Heh Heh Heh