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Carrie, Emma, and Liz
Oafello, Oafellie and Oafella
Shmooly, Boogala and Loopy
Carre, Bemma and Ilzer
Whatever you call them, you love them, because...they're OAFY'S ANGELS!


Q: Oafy's what...?
Are you trying to insult us? That happens to be our name. Yeah, that's right: Oafy's Angels. It's a bit like Charlie's Angels except we're prettier, weirder, funnier, and will never save the universe. So don't call on us if that's what you're seeking. BUT, if you're searching for someone to eat your pizza or steal all your clothes, you know our number. It's 1-800-scrubs.

Q: Are you on crack?
No, Happy Pappy Pink Pills. Get your facts right. You can't just come in here and accuse of us of stuff we don't do, and we don't do crack. Just to clairfy that again. Okay, now what? Feel free to browse around. We'll try to clarify what we mean a long the way. If you get lost, buy the maps at the gift store.