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so, me and everyone's favorite BMX boy Roger "The Hotness" Brock were talking online and he says:

RogerMoney [8:30 PM]: dude i got a tight picture for you
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:30 PM]: hahah yess!
RogerMoney [8:30 PM]: dude
RogerMoney [8:30 PM]: we gotta put an all exclusive roger brock interview on the site
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:30 PM]: WE DO!
RogerMoney [8:31 PM]: dude yea
RogerMoney [8:31 PM]: you can be like whats your life consist of'
RogerMoney [8:31 PM]: and i'll be like
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:32 PM]: hahahha
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:32 PM]: ok let's have an exclusive roger brock interview NOW
RogerMoney [8:32 PM]: undershirts that are too big and stick out from under the overshirts
RogerMoney [8:32 PM]: ok
RogerMoney [8:32 PM]: im ready
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:32 PM]: ALRIGHT, here we go folks!

JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:32 PM]: so, whats your name?
RogerMoney [8:32 PM]: Roger Vaughn Brock'
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:32 PM]: why vaughn, is that just a cool name
RogerMoney [8:33 PM]: it's my dad's dad's middle name, and his middle name. His name is James Vaugn Brock Jr.
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:34 PM]: interesting. so, Roger Vaughn Brock, what are your hobbies and interests?
RogerMoney [8:35 PM]: I like to bike ride and go to concerts. even though i've only ever been to like two in my entire life
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:35 PM]: waht concerts were they?
RogerMoney [8:36 PM]: the toby mac and john rue concerts. john reuben rocks like crazy and toby was pretty good to.
RogerMoney [8:36 PM]: and im goin to the grits concert sunday
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:36 PM]: how often do you ride?
RogerMoney [8:37 PM]: almost everday. sometimes i don't get to cause i have too much homework. from people like mr zwanzig.........
RogerMoney [8:37 PM]: the science fair
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:38 PM]: you mean skippy?
RogerMoney [8:39 PM]: yeah him and his big ear in the marines
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:39 PM]: what? ok nevermind. how long have you been riding?
RogerMoney [8:40 PM]: since age 12. i was like ya know what i should get a bmx bike for my birthday. so i got this $90 used dyno. and it was hardcore.
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:40 PM]: you're hardcore. any thoughts of goin pro?
RogerMoney [8:41 PM]: yeah i definitly want to go pro. mainly cuaz then i could ride more and get free parts
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:41 PM]: not for the chicks?
RogerMoney [8:42 PM]: chicks......
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:42 PM]: uh huh
RogerMoney [8:42 PM]: dont know much about them
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:43 PM]: for all the ladies out there roger, are you single?
RogerMoney [8:43 PM]: yeah
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:43 PM]: :-*
RogerMoney [8:43 PM]: ;-)
RogerMoney [8:44 PM]: all right thats enough with the smilly faces i hate them
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:44 PM]: haha ok so whats your life plans
RogerMoney [8:46 PM]: well im gonna take a year or more off after highschool. really brake into the mainstream bmx then. then i might go to college. either the navy acedemy or some baptist college.
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:46 PM]: are you a religious man?
RogerMoney [8:46 PM]: yeah
RogerMoney [8:46 PM]: God is number one in my life and Jesus is my savior
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:47 PM]: of what religious faction are you
RogerMoney [8:47 PM]: christianity
RogerMoney [8:47 PM]: of course
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:47 PM]: what type of christian
RogerMoney [8:48 PM]: protestant. Is that how you spell it? Baptist even though i'm not totally sure what the differences are between baptists and other denominations like prsebyterian
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:49 PM]: haha me neither im baptist too but this isnt about me its about YOU!
RogerMoney [8:49 PM]: ha that's funny
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:49 PM]: whats the meaning of life
RogerMoney [8:50 PM]: to serve God in whatever way he wants you to
RogerMoney [8:50 PM]: to have a personal relationship with JC
RogerMoney [8:50 PM]: not JC williams but rather Jesus Christ
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:50 PM]: ahahah yeah i figured
RogerMoney [8:51 PM]: ok
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:51 PM]: so whos your best friend ever?
RogerMoney [8:51 PM]: Jesus!
RogerMoney [8:51 PM]: jk
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:51 PM]: other than jesus?
RogerMoney [8:51 PM]: my best friend is probably delaney or minotti
RogerMoney [8:52 PM]: right now thoug it is probalby bill lytch
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:52 PM]: cool aewsome
RogerMoney [8:52 PM]: i also hang out with scott perston alot
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:52 PM]: do you guys hang?
RogerMoney [8:53 PM]: no we mostly chill
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:53 PM]: ohhh i seeeee
RogerMoney [8:58 PM]: ok is that all you are going to ask because we need to rap it up because it's my bed time in 7 minutes
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [8:58 PM]: haha any last closing thoughts?
RogerMoney [9:00 PM]: a wise man asks more questions, than he gives answers. that must make you really smart
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [9:01 PM]: thats right roger!
JCHnUmBeRoNe05 [9:01 PM]: thanks for your time. there will be more interviews to follow for all your loyal fans. good night!
