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Hey maw! I'm on dem der darn internet!

How original

So... guess you can think of this as a blog for short... not much of ideas for a complete webpage.

Awards I've won!

I'm not wearing any pants and you can't tell. Teehee April 7, 2003.
I finally finished the story. My fingers ache, and not in the way I like them to ache. I spent the whole of Sunday doing it. From 11 AM (stupid DST) to 7 PM. It is not an experience I want to go through again, but it was kinda fun, overally.

Apr. 3, 2003
I'm still working on this webpage and there still isn't much content other than that horrible drawing down there. And up there. And the horrible design. Still, it's pretty decent.
Eitherway, I found this website some time ago, and it's a collection to some of the funniest and most interesting links on the internet. the website is called B3TA
Something that I'm getting rather nervous of is the fact we have to write a 9-page novel for Monday. I've only written 1 page and I'm fresh out of ideas. Basically it's a suicide letter. A long-winded, biographical letter from the character filled with pointless diatribes and useless junk no one would want to read (at least without killing themselves). I hope I can write at least 2 pages for tomorrow, and I can finish the rest during the weekend.

I'm not naked! I swear, I'm wearing socks!
March 27, 2003
You might appreciate a bit of content on this horrible webpage, so I churned this drawing like hot butter while wating for the teacher to give out the assigments. Here you go.

As I was saying (which I probably wasn't), the current events going on in the middle east isn't as much as a war as it is a human massacre. What chances does a country whose main exports are sand and oil versus one of the most ruthless and richest country in the world? Now, I am not in USA's side, but I think this war is no more than a business move. A business move that leaves rotting carcasses strewn about the "streets" (read: dirt roads) of Iraq. And there are other threats the US may be ignoring, mainly, North Korea. It has threatened to use nukes on America, but Bush has ignored these threats. Either way, I believe this is what's gonna happen:

In any event. This war is going to be filled with lots of ups and downs.