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Welcome To NeoPointers!

Neomail zooglified or post a message if you what to be in the Shop Linker! Like the music!
This is the new Website for the Neopointers Guild. There has just been added music because we had trouble with music the past few weeks. We are constantly updating and adding content, so keep checking back! The yellow Nav-Bar on the left side of the screen will take you to all of the active pages on the site. Not all of the links work yet, so please be patient. If you want to talk to someone, the Tag Board and Chat Room are now up, although they may be revised in coming days. If you have suggestions or comments, or wish to send us some info (ie. for the members page), then click 'Council' and you can E-mail us. More later.

P.S. - If you have any tips which aren't on the Tips page, feel free to send them to us; we'll make sure to give you full credit.