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Martin Lennon - This is my website i hope u enjoy

My five favourite coutries

Hello there every one My name is martin lennon and i would just like to like to introduce the people who r on my website. First of all if u dont like me there isnt much point on been on this website because it is about me Martin Lennon. I am a student at York st John in England but i am Irish and have lived in Ireland since i was born. My favourite thing about Ireland is well every thing , it is the greatest country in the world. Anyway i will keep u posted on how i am on a regular basis. My quote for the day is "u r not the the ablitilies who have but the choices u make" It is from the new harry potter movie which i had seen last night which was the 14th and i really enjoyed it.Any way as u may have gathered i am Irish so i tend to talk a lot of nonsense . However 2002 has been my favourite year since i was born for the reasons why. (1)I went to America and Canada and meet some of the nicest people in the world ever. (2)i finally managed to leave to my high school st patricks college dungannon (3)I am now at Univisity having the time of my life (4) I am now on the verge of making my first feautre length movie (5) I also went to Rominia for the second time and a truly amazing time As u have gathered i make movies so if there any big producers out there i will be willing to direct ur next big movie however i should warn u before hand that i do have issues Finally just like to say well done to Armagh on winning the All Ireland senoir football champoinship 2002.
