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Marie's Site

reunion pics... sorry they're sideways and non-thumbnail-ed, i'm in a hurry here

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1) Nicole, Laura, TJ, and Megan
2) Rachel, Erin, Arthi, Karishma, and Jennifer in Debby's room for house meeting
3) The Oracle!
4) Kate consulting the Oracle
5)Somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody, Mandi, Kate, and Crystal being hypnotized... haha Kate fell over
6) More hypnotism... they were told it was really hot, and they're fanning themselves....

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1) Even more hypnotism... they're at the movies and throwing popcorn into their mouths. lol
2) Me, Krista, Will, Kate and Mandi lounging on some random sculpture before the first street dance
3) Jeff/Nightcrawler before the first street dance
4) N Sync at the talent show... does anybody know who these guys really were? Because I sure don't! hahaha sad I know
5) Alan and Paul as Simon and Garfunkel at the talent show... yeah it's a bad picture get over it
6) Ryan and Debby at the Hizzouse 80s Dance Party... it was also a birthday party for Nicole and Jennifer, that's icing from birthday cake on Debby's face. lol

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1) Tyler at the Hizzouse 80s Dance Party... I think he was doing the White Boy Dance, and that's why I took the picture... hmm.
2) Andrew P and Joe M at the alumni dance... Joe M can recite pi to 100-some-odd digits
3) At the alumni dance, an unpictured alum was teaching current scholar boiz to breakdance... hahaha. Paul and Eric pictured
4) Ake, the teacher of the Japanese class... at the street dance, dancing in the circle to chants of "Go Ake! Go Ake!"
5) Brett, my husband lol... yeah, in case you're new to the story, 7 of us married Brett... our goal is to get on Oprah... we're going to have intelligent children... and SELL them! hahaha
6) My Major class vs. Scrabble world champion Joel Wapnick... he kicked our collective butt lol

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1) My major class and Joel Wapnick... see the lovely score on the board? 454-268, hahaha... yeah, I was keeping score, I'd only Scrabbled once before. lol
2) Kate and Kenny at dinner... lol Kate has a hair clip on her eyebrow... yeah that was the day when Erin Marie attempted to wear hair clips but everybody stole them to play with them!
3) Brett, at that same meal....
4) Ok, I did not take this picture, please excuse its poor quality. lol. Apparently it's a picture of Kevin (background), but Brett and I are there in the foreground... and Brett is playing with a hairclip! lol
5) Eli... I don't think I took this picture either... Hi Eli!
6) Hahaha... the improv team, I don't know it's name... Charlotte and Brett are currently improv-ing lol, the rest of the team's standing there... yeah I was self-proclaimed official team cheerleader, and also first alternate. hahaha

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1) Brett and me... why don't guys ever smile for pictures? ...Anyone care to enlighten me?
2) Laura, Karishma, and Kate after the *trial of the future* thingy... yeah I didn't go, instead choosing to chill with Brett and Kevin (different Kevin than the earlier picture)... yeah we laughed a lot, it was fun... yeah. lol whatever
3) Debby and me... my Chewie shirt rocks Andrew's face off!
4) Andrew and his cool hat and the shirt that rocks my face off!
5) My PSD group... yeah it's a bad picture, sorry... and you can't blame the photographer b/c it was Chris Young... yeah my camera was kind of left out in the quad overnight while it was raining. I'm lucky I had pictures turn out at all! Oh, notice my blue jeans in the picture? Down the front of them I wrote "NERD" in duct tape... down the back I wrote "CAMP"... haha fun times
6) Brett and Neo attempting to pose stylishly... and failing oh-so-miserably... lol

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1) There we go. Now THAT'S stylish... lol whatever
2) Erin Marie: "Kevin, sign my notebook!" Kevin decides to use Brett's back as a hard surface... Kevin: "This probably looks kind of homosexual..." Brett: "You know what would look even MORE homosexual?"
3) Krista, Kate, Paul, and Laine at our last supper... lol last supper. like Jesus... haha ok I was amused, moving on....
4) Kate and Eric playing that hand-slapping game
5)Kenny and me
6) Teachers... Jim is front and center there... Hoa is to the right of Jim... Sarah is two people to the right of Hoa... yeah they were my teachers/PSDers

More someday... I've got like half a roll of film I need to use up before you see those, though. lol

Now back to your scheduled program... homecoming pics! Haha I need to update more often, I know

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1) Alternate view as me as a school-spiritful Darth Maul.
2) Caitlin, Amy, and several people who I don't know who they are. Feel free to let me know...
3) A bad picture... Amy's hair on the right, I dunno on the left... I guess the camera accidentally went off or something...
4) Vincent and Eric.
5) Miss Peppy and Mr. School Spirit Jessi and BRIAN LANDERS!!!! lol. In Ms. B's car.
6) Chelsea, Amy, and Eric at the game.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1) Sam and Vincent at the game....
2) uh... Eric's face
3) Uh... Megan, halfway in her band uniform. ...0:) (if you didn't notice the rest of the picture, ignore the smiley there... :))
4) Stephen (sp?) and Caitlin at the game... oh, and nacho cheese... lol. how cuuuuuute!!!
5) Corinna (sp?), Sam, and Bethany at the game....
6) Me before the dance! Aren't I beautiful? (...the answer is YES) :)

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1) Jennifer, Louise, Brett, Corinna, Sam, and my hair billowing in the breeze outside Longhorn, where we chowed down before the dance... Bethany took the picture, since she wasn't going to the dance, and therefore was not dressed up....
2) Sam and Bethany being proper. (smile and nod)
3) Us eating at Longhorn, complete with Sam's toothpaste and plenty of fried cheescake :)... (from left end to right end) Sam, Bethany, Corinna, Andrew, Miranda, Hailey, samantha jackson, Brett, Jennifer, Louise, me
4) Sam, Corinna, and Bethany
Us at the Longhorn sign. l-r Hailey, Corinna, samantha jackson, Miranda, Andrew, Brett, Jennifer, Louise, Sam, me, Bethany
6) Okay between dinner and the dance we went to Target to kill time... this is Brett in one of the Halloween aisles....

More soon!

Here are pictures from Centrifuge!!!

1) Matt, Erin, me, and Amber in the lobby of the dorm where we stayed, Oklahoma... Jeff, "We're staying in Oklahoma, what about you?" Erin, "Oh wow, we're staying in New Mexico..." ;-D lol
2) Darren with a banana.
3) Mike and Erin in the doorway to Erin's and my room.
4)Our door. It's beautiful.
5) Amy. Hi Amy!
6)My Bible study group doing the wall-climbing thing. Megan is our current Spider-Man.

10) 11) 12)

7) My Bible study group, the Animators. ...The theme was "Reel Life," so everything had a movie name....
8) Blake, from Jeff's new youth group.
9) Erin, Bryon, and Chelsy in the hallway of our dorm.
10)Erin and Chelsy on the bus... I was across the aisle from them, and Erin was laying across the aisle....
11) Cajun Man and Translator. Whoo!
12) Jeff, JJ, someone, and Mark on another couch in the lobby of Oklahoma.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1) Chelsy on the little bus.
2) Someone, Blake, and Jeff, on a couch in the Oklahoma lobby....
3) Bryon, Erin, Amber, and Chelsy on the stairs right outside Erin's and my door in Oklahoma.
4) Darren on the stairs outside Oklahoma.
5) Andrew and Matt, conveniently using the last picture on my first role of film.
6) Erin watchign out the peephole of our door for Jon to walk by so she could knock at him... ok the first night, Erin was in the shower, and I was bored and so I knocked at people walking by. Well, one knocked back, and we became friends over the week I guess, and Erin fell in love with him. Moving on....

More thumbs soon!

This is Erin checking our voice mail, and reciting Bryon's sweet message word for word. Do you love the hint of the room decor that you can see in this picture? Lol you can't see the purple bra in all its glory though... hahaha. (Yeah, it was usually just laying there in plain sight... kinda disturbed *some* of our guests ;) )

This my youth group (who I went to Centrifuge with, naturally) by the Glorieta sign. (Glorieta is the name of the place the camp was at.) Top row: Amanda I, Dad, Matt, Andrew, Malinda, Jessica, Amanda, Elizabeth, Lacey, Erin, Chelsy, me, Bobby, James. Front row: Jason, Ryne, George (rest in peace), Shon, Robbie, Sarah, Amber, Alex, Teresa. Lisa, Deana, and Dennis were taking the pictures.

This is Erin and Ryne, after Erin and I had crashed the "intimate man talk" that Jeff was giving to Ryne, Jason, and Robbie (and maybe others... I don't remember :) )

Another lobby shot... (clockwise from left) Malinda, Jessica, Sarah, Brenton (sp?), Jeff, Erin, Blake, and Lance

This was the day that Erin and I went Sharpie-crazy... see the shirt... and Erin drew on my face... it was Ron's idea! Or was it Bryon's? hmm. It washed right off, though. lol.

This is Scuba Steve and me. Sheesh! People, if there's a picture taken that you might want to be a nice picture, DO NOT let Erin take it! Hmph. The picture I took of Erin and Scuba is much better, and we had the same kind of camera... :-P

Lacey, Shon, and James at the McDonald's in Amarillo. Shon wanted a "hot chick" to sit with him... lol this picture was taken to show to Lacey's boyfriend :I ... lol

This is Mike and Darren at lunch.

This is Erin outside Oklahoma. If you've forgotten, Oklahoma was the name of our dorm....

These are people outside of Oklahoma.

These are the adults having a powwow over lunch, trying to decide the fate of the girl who'd been discovered with a *BOY* in her room :-O... you know, they never actually *said* we couldn't have boys in our rooms, but okay. It was funny to see the adults so worked up about it, though. lol. Included in this picture is George, you might have seen my comment earlier. Well... a little more than two months after we returned... he died. :\

This is Robbie, Jason, Amanda, Sarah, Ryne, and Amber sitting on a bench at a rest stop en route to Glorieta.

This is Amber, Deana, and Chelsy ready for bed in the church in Amarillo where we stayed on the way to Glorieta. Are you lovin' my Wakko pillow? lol.

Amber, Chelsy, and Ron in the Oklahoma lobby.

This is my Bible study group during the mega relay. Megan, Regan, Amy, me, Trista, Matt, Brittney... I can't tell beyond that lol.

Dylan, Eric, Erin, and Mike at the mega relay.

Ryne, someone, someone, and Darren at the mega relay.

Scuba, Trav, and Brice. This started when Erin and I had just left Oklahoma to go... somewhere... and we saw Brice. He said somethin' like hey I know you guys, you're in my choir track. And we kind of just kept talking... then Trav came over and joined in, then Scuba Steve came over and joined in....

...Then Trav left, then we walked over to Scuba's dorm to get Lance's guitar....

...Then we sat outside Oklahoma singing "Trading my Sorrows" and "Jesus Freaks" and Lance joined us, because it was his guitar... lol it was a lot of fun.

This is Shon being a dork at lunch.

This is the staff of Centrifuge....

This is Erin and Amber sitting on the stairs while Jeff runs by... apparently there was this big water balloon fight throughout Oklahoma between, like, the seniors, so they were running all over the place....

These are some of our guys riding the tram to a meal... you can see Jason, Ryne, and some loser I think was called Jeff ;)....

This is Jon and some of his people on the tram. Jon is the one doing the peace sign.

Here are pictures from Erin's and my end of school party, and the last couple days of school... yes, some of them are new, I realize it's two and a half months later....

This is Vincent, Katibeth, Alyshia, Maree, Caitlin, and lots of food.

This is Robyn and Marshall and Caitlin sitting in a window in the jr high auditorium waiting for the end-of-the-year assembly to start... yeah, i was halfway across the auditorium when i took it, can you tell?

This is Megan, Andrea, Kelsey, and Kaylee playing with balloons...

This is Eric beating up on Amy... with balloons...

This is Alyshia and Erin... I don't know what they're doing, it's apparently some inside joke... lol check out erin's shirt... it had said "its the end" since it was the last day of school (it's one of those velcro shirts) but I rearranged the letters and made it say "isnt Theed"... see, Theed is the capital of Naboo in Star Wars... lol

This is Bethany and Erin singing karaoke to "Summer Nights"...

This is Bethany, Erin, me, and Sam singing karaoke to "...Baby one more time"...

This is Erin and Sam singing karaoke to something...

This is Eric, Megan, and Amy pushing Caitlin on this big spool thing... yeah.

These are Sam and Eric doing the limbo. I was holding the other end of the pole when I took the pictures...

Sam, Krista, and Caitlin limbo while Megan, Michelle, Bethany, Alyshia, Maree, Katibeth, and Joe chill in the background...

This is a picture Jeff took of me after my so-called friends pinned me and dumped a wheelbarrow full of water on me... Sam, Kristin, Bethany, Megan, someone, and Joe are there in the background...

This is during the afore-mentioned event.

This is my dad... I guess Jeff took this picture too, I sure didn't... see after I was soaked, I realized my camera was in my back pocket and freaked out and gave it to Jeff, so that's why he had it...

This is my brother Alex. He's very wet. That's Alyshia, Erin, Maree, and *CAITLIN'S* arm there in the background...

This is Amy holding Caitlin down after Caitlin had had water dumped on her...

This is Katibeth and Maree... stylin', huh?

These are picures of Erin being held down, about to be soaked. By the way, who's the perv who likes two take pictures of my lower half?

This is someone being soaked... if you know who it is, let me know and I'll update this sometime....

This is Erin's dad... we were attempting to pin him and dump water on him... didn't work too well :-/ lol

This is Erin's dad on the spooly thingy.

Alex pimpin' it up. lol Megan, Alex, and Andrea.

Alyshia, Bethany, Erin, Alex, Sam, me, (Michelle), Megan, and Andrea do the YMCA....

This is Ms. Sailors, Bethany, Amy, and Vincent in language arts on the 2nd-last day of school last year... yes they're playing with Legos... Legos are very deep, if you think about it. You know, they're so simple, yet really complex stuff can be made from them... lol read Sophie's World for more on that :)

This is Vincent and Caitlin fixing Caitlin's belt in language arts class... apparently she needed it for the end-of-the-year assembly or something...

This is Maree and Lindz (or whatever) organizing math books on the second last day of school...

This is Rachel and Jason (and my Star Wars Scrapbook!) in math...

This is Robyn and Amy in first hour on the last day of school... yes, her pants are duct tape too, under the tie-dye shorts...

This is Caitlin and Ms. Sailors riding the Whirl-N-Hurl in science on the last day of school... the Whirl-N-Hurl was this science project thing that taught us about centripetal (sp?) force... it spun around and we threw tennis balls at each other... wayfuncool. You can see my name under Ms. Sailors' chair...

Alright, that's it for those new ones... here's the rest of the site...

This is me dressed as Princess Leia. Yeah, my hood's on kinda ghetto, but it was pretty cool... I wore it to school the day AOTC came out :)

This is my eighth grade orchestra... That was the "goofy" pic (as opposed to the "serious" one)... aren't we cool? Yeah like half the people in that picture have since dropped... alas. Yeah, Brett, sorry you're cut off... my scanner was not big enough... alack.

this is Josh isn't he hot? He's a pop star!!! Lol he's from the tv show popstars2... yeah it's lame i know... this was the first picture ever on my site, before i had a scanner ;P... anyways...

These are the guys who moved the chairs at junior high large ensemble orchestra contest... See them counting the chairs? Lol moving right along...

This is my hair. Isn't it pretty?
...It drives me INSANE!!!

Ha! This is my "gifted language arts" class from eighth grade, how cute... (back row) Clay, Ryan, Emily, Joe, Caitlin, Jeff, Lindsey (front row) Alex, Eric, Jill, Kristen, Amy, me, Bethany, and that's Ms. Sailors across us...

this is me in colorado playing balderdash (more or less) with my cousins Evan and Laine... there's a weird reflection off my tooth, I don't know why... man, I had no idea my ponytail was that big... ne wayz...

Ok happy Jeff??? This is my youth new year's lock-in... yeah, that's my back that's rite shirt... notice the confetti in the hair?? I wonder how that got there???? Oh also the dudes from No Longer Quiet are there... see "Links"...

This is Jango Fett, one of the new bounty hunters of attack of the clones. And what exactly he's doing in this picture? I don't know...

This is my hand! It's waving to you!

This is Noah and Erin in Erin's bedroom at Erin's birthday party. Need I say more? :0 scandalous! ...Oh also it was dark in the room at the time... yeah, the flash is a powerful thing... on a camera, sicko! Get your mind outta the gutter... *moving on*...

This is Sam and Marshall at one of Marshall's parties.

This is Mary and Caitlin (Maree and Caitiee/Caitie-Leigh?) at the Fall Festival... yeah way-fun.... how cute.

These are the icons I've made. Lex Luthor. And Lionel Luthor... LOL looooong story. I might have told you... if not oh well:).


Wow this is an awesome site... I don't know how to describe it... you really should check it out.

No Longer Quiet!! (way-cool Christian band... be sure to check out the pictures...)

Caitlin's site

Maree's site

Your daily dose of Star Wars!! yeah, it's a great site


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