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Books » Harry Potter » A Different Life text size: (+) : (-)
Author: JerseyGirl03
PG - English - General - Reviews: 5 - Publish date: 03-08-03 - Updated: 03-22-03 story id: 1262765
Thank Yous

rebecca: Thank you soo much for your compliment. I promise I will try to get these chapters out fast.

MerlinHalliwell: Don't worry Harry is still a wizard but I am not saying anything else.

Endless-luv: Thank you for your compliment. I am updating this as soon as possible. This should be out before the end of March 2003 or by Easter. May be April Fool's Day. I don't know but I will try to get this chapter and the following chapters out ASAP.
I am sorry I didn't bring this chapter out sooner but life's just not fair so I put this out as soon as possible. Also I am working on my other fic. This chapter is probably the longest I have ever written. I hope the next chapter will be ready to come out soon, but it also depends on if I get a review for this chapter.
Chapter 2
Three years had passed since Harry was adopted by the Ioanis family. He was now four and on a plane back to England.

The family had moved back to Pompeii a few months after they adopted him. It was now a couple of days before his birthday. His parents said that this would be the last time they visited England for a long time.

Anna Maria was now five and happily talking about school and her teachers that she would have that year. Bernadette was three and sat quietly as if in a trance. One day she had told her mother that when she looked at people she saw colors swirling around them. That had caused havoc in the family as it had been tied into something of the darkest secret they had. The secret wasn’t bad, they just didn’t want anybody to know about.

Anita had had another child named Sue Ann. She was two years old and was running around and having the time of her life. She had the same gift as Bernadette but she would chase the colors as if they were butterflies.

The plane landed and the family headed to King’s Cross Station Platform Nine. The station was as crowded as ever. Packed with people all around. All of the children were running around and laughing. This was there last trip to England for a long time the parents had said and they were to have as much fun as possible.

The family sat down on the benches near Platform Nine to wait for the train, which would arrive at noon. They were sitting there talking happily when a group of people dressed in black robes and black faceless mask came in. The people had long sticks and shouting words. With the words came out flashes of light. Some of the light was green. The poor people hit with the green light fell dead on the spot. Everyone in the station was in a panic. Screams filled the air. Chaos surrounded anyone and everyone.

After a few minutes, which seemed like eternity, another group of people carrying sticks came in. There was a difference though. The new people were dressed in scarlet and had gold face masks. They started attacking the other weird people.

No one noticed that one person in black had slipped. The man shot red beams of light at Baromine, Anita, and Sue Ann. The three fell to the ground, alive. Then Anna Maria fell to the ground into one of her visions. Then the man was caught by one of the people in red. The person who caught him had a silver beard and blue eyes behind half moon spectacles.

“Are you hurt?” asked the man. Harry thought that he sounded familiar but it might just be him.

“No sir,” responded Bernadette politely. She stood there looking at the old man with her large chocolate brown eyes. The man nodded his head then walked away to continue fighting the people in black.

No one had noticed that another person had slipped away to meet another person in the shadows. “I don’t want to be like Daddy. Please don’t make me go back there.” The girl started crying silent The person in the shadows was a child no older five years in age. Her night black hair reached mid back and was tied back in a pony tail. She and emerald green eyes that had once shown with joy and happiness. Now her eyes were a dull green. She looked too pale to be in good health. The second person was looking at her.

“Why aren’t you helping us, little one?” asked the second person in a soothing feminine voice. This woman knew that to upset this child was something none wished to do. She looked into the little girls face and saw her eyes filled with unshed tears. The lady turned to leave when she heard a little voice answer.

“Mama, I don’t want to do this. It’s wrong. I can feel it in my bones and I don‘t want to cause other people tears.”

“Okay, baby. I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you”

The older woman slipped back in to her normal mask and walked up to Harry and Bernadette. She didn’t want to do this but had to. The woman pointed her wand at Bernadette and said the words ‘Avada Kedavra’.

Harry was looking at the green beam of light heading towards Bernadette. He had to stop. He just knew that much. Then suddenly the green light disappeared. Everyone was staring at Harry who had colors flying all around him. Some of the colors were purple, white, silver, gold, green, red, scarlet, blue, yellow, gray, and indigo. The lady started to run. As she ran further away the colors took up more space. Then Harry lifted up his left hand and saw a beam of light head toward the retreating figure. It hit the person and she fell to the ground. The last thing Harry saw was the shocked look of all who were around him before he fell away into blissful darkness.

` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` Harry’s POV ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `(His speech is childish. His thoughts aren’t. That goes for all of the children.)

Mama and Daddy just told us to sit down while we wait for the train. How boring, but I comply any ways. The look a bit nervous but are hiding it. Covering it up.

Everyone knows about my sisters special powers but I never told. I don’t know why but I can…feel…what other people are feeling. It’s weird but useful.

We started talking about school and what we were going to do when these people with black clothing came in. They are carrying sticks and shouting words. The sticks send out beams of light. Some are green, others are clear, and the last are red. The people who were hit by green light look dead. The red light looks like it makes people fall asleep. The clear light makes people scream like they’re in pain.

I’m scared. Everyone is screaming or running. Mommy and Daddy are just standing here as if nothing is happening. I want to run away from these people or go to Mommy and Daddy and know I am protected but they’re trying to calm the others. I have to be strong then. There is nothing I can do but watch.

Suddenly I get a strange feeling. As if I am fighting an internal battle but its not me. I search for the source and see Anna. She’s going to have a vision. I don’t know why but I’m getting mad at some of the people who are using the green beams.

After a moment or two a new set of people arrive. These people look like the black but wore gold and red instead. They’re starting to fight the others. Some have swords while others are using beams of light.

We’re watching the battle when mom, dad, and Sue are all hit with red light. Then Annie fell down. She had just lost the battle with the vision. A man shot red light at the man. This new person had a long silver beard and blue eyes.

“Are you hurt?” he questioned. I think that his voice sounded familiar. Like an old friends. No it’s just me. I’ve never seen him before. While I was thinking Bernie answered for us.

“No sir,” she said politely. No one could tell but she was scared and nervous. I know that she won’t show her emotions unless it’s an absolute must. The man walked back to the fight. Nothing happened. The battle’s over. It’s almost over.

A lady was walking out of the shadows and pointed a stick at Deen. I can’t think. My thinking processes have stopped functioning. She says some words. I’ve heard them before. It’s the sound of rushing death. Green light heads for Bernie. I must stop.

Suddenly the light disappears. Everyone is looking at me. The lady in black is running away. I hold up my left hand and a beam of light hits her on her back. The colors are fading. I look around and see everyone staring at me. I don’t know what I did or how. I see Anna. She’s waking up. I turn around and see a girl, Anna’s age in the shadows. The girl smiles at me. Darkness captures me as I think no more.

/ / / / / / / / / / Anna’s POV and vision / / / / / / / / / /

We just reached the train station a few minutes ago. Mama told us to sit down and that since this was our last trip to England for a long time that we were going to have fun. Bernie was sitting quietly on the bench staring at the different people that walked by. Probably watching their auras. Harry was looking…weird. Almost as if he could feel… sense what other people are feeling. Sue was chasing the auras, again. Everyone is talking happily though. That’s the weird part. We all know that something is going to happen just not what is going to happen.

I am thinking about starting to call her Susie because all of us have a nickname except her. May be I’ll us that later. I have an uneasy feeling. Something’s going to happen. Something big and because of it I’m going to have vision. That’s what I know.

Visions. How I hate them! They knock me out and I miss a lot of what happens until I wake up. I’m still musing about my hatred for visions when these weird people come in. The people are dressed in black with black mask and sticks. I remember these sticks from one of my visions. I believe they are called wands. The wands are shooting light. The light are…er…what are they called again…um…curses. They’re shooting curses at people. I believe red is stunning, clear is pain, and green is death. I’ve seen something like this before.

Everyone is screaming and running around like chicken little when he was saying “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” I know that I can’t shut them up but do they have to make me miserable. I know that people are hurting them and they don’t understand it, but come on no reason to scream bloody murder. Well I take that back. Bloody Murder, yes, chicken with it’s head cut off, no.

I just noticed that some people are here too. They’re dressed like the people in black but they aren’t wearing black. They’re wearing scarlet and gold.

I can feel the vision starting to win the internal conflict. It’ll be great if I suddenly collapsed and something big happened. Something’s about to happen. I can feel that too.

I turn around to see my parents but they have fallen to the ground, stunned, along with Susie. The vision has finally conquered the battle and I am whisked away from the conscious world.

My vision is starting out like any normal one I guess. Some of the past, a different look at the present, and a look into the impending future. The attack that’s happening was an impending future and now it is a present. The only difference between the two is I get to see more with the present than with the future. The order they come in though always changes. The only thing that helps me figure out which is which is a voice.

She is friendly but I don’t know her name. When I had asked her she didn’t give me her first name but she did give me her middle name, Tatiana. I call her Tati though. She is my age from what I can figure out and has a brother. She told me his middle name is Royce. She always refers to him as Roy. The two are completely different. Roy is evil and outspoken while Tati is good, quiet, and mysterious. She never says more than needs to be said. Tatiana is a pacifist. If she could she would make all of the world peaceful. While thinking Tati came and told me what I was going to see.

“It is good to see you again Seer. The event that is to take place is of the past. Watch now and tell or write what you see.”

“Sí, Tati.” I always answer her in Spanish. I may not be fluent but I know yes and no. My vision is beginning to take in a surrounding. A graveyard to be exact. It’s dark and there is a short man standing in the center of a clearing. Another man with along white beard is tied to a tombstone. I watch as the rat looking man cuts off his hand. Then he walks over to the prisoner and takes blood from him. Then pours it in to the cauldron.

I sit watching. This vision’s a boring vision. Nothing’s happening. A snake like man is rising out of the cauldron. Okay I guess I was wrong it’s not boring. He pulls out the rat man’s arm. He touches a picture that sends shivers down my spine. All of these people arrive soon after. They talk. How boring! The snake man addresses everyone dressed in black. Those guys look like the ones who are attacking. The old man and snake man fight each other with the wands. Finally the old man escapes and everything goes black.

I’m wondering about what is going to happen next. It is kind of scary waiting in the dark of an abyss. Tatiana comes back.

“I am sorry. I was busy doing something. The next vision is one of the present.” Before I have time to answer the image came to my mind.

A person had slipped away into the shadows from the fight. There stood a child in the shadows. “I don’t want to be like Daddy. Please don’t make me go back there.” The girl started crying silent. The person in the shadows was a child no older five years in age. Her night black hair reached mid back and was tied back in a pony tail. She and emerald green eyes that had once shown with joy and happiness. Now her eyes were a dull green. She looked too pale to be in good health. The second person was looking at her.

“Why aren’t you helping us, little one?” asked the second person in a soothing feminine voice. This woman knows that to upset this child was something none wished to do. She looked into the little girls face and saw her eyes filled with unshed tears. The lady was turning to leave when she heard a little voice answer.

“Mama, I don’t want to do this. It’s wrong. I can feel it in my bones and I don’t want to cause other people tears.”

“Okay, baby. I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you”

The darkness is enveloping me again. I know Tati isn’t here. I wish she were. This void is scary and makes me feel alone. This eternal abyss is where Tati says she lives. I don’t believe her. I know that she lives outside of here, in the real world. That’s why she isn’t always here when my visions finish. I also know that my next vision is about the future.

The darkness once again fades leaving me standing in front of a castle with a lot of people in front of it. On one side there are a lot of people standing dressed in black. They are being led by the snake man and a young boy, about sixteen, who has short black hair and piercing blue eyes. The boy is quite tall, maybe six feet. I can’t really tell. He has a hard face and an evil glint in his eyes.

On the side near the castle there is another group of people standing there. In front of them is a family of seven people and the old man from my first vision. They’re standing there just staring at each other. How boring!

Then a girl walks forward from the side with the family. She has caramel blond hair that reaches mid back and glowing purple eyes. Her eyes are glowing with wild, untamable power. She has sink that is tanned. Power can be seen radiating from her. I get the feeling that I get whenever I am speaking with Tati. The girl’s about five feet eight inches tall. She’s wearing a silk red shirt and a long black shirt. The snake man is speaking to her.

“Why my dear Miss Martin! It has been such a long time since I last saw you.” he was saying sarcastically.

“Stuff it Voldemort!” she yelled back. The air around her is rippling at a greater pace. Note to self, never get on a girl’s bad side.

“Reggie!” everyone is yelling at her. I think what she did was a good thing but then again the snake man looks powerful.

“Well, it seems you have figured me out so I am offering you this gracious offer: I will allow everyone, including your dear cousin, live a life free from fear if you join me and your brother.”

“How ever appeasing your offer may be I would never join the likes of you!” she yelled back. The darkness is pulling me back once again. This time Tati is here.

“What you have seen is the future. It is coming. Reggie will refuse but you may not be having any more visions of the future for a while.”

“Yes Tati.”

“Okay, see you later Annie!” she calls as I am opening my eyes. I look at the scene around me. I see Harry is radiating the same power as Reggie. I look around and in the corner see the girl from my vision of the present. She looks worried and anxious. I wonder if she has any friends. I look back at Harry and see the other woman from my vision on the floor stunned. The power around Harry disappears and he falls to the floor. The girl in the shadows is suddenly right where his head would have hit the floor. She catches his head. I look into her eyes and see that she is crying silently.

We have arrived! Hehe. I always wanted to say that. We’re sitting on the benches near platform nine. Talk. All my family does is talk. I’m the quiet one. Being quiet has its advantages though. But enough about that.

I sense that something black is coming this way. Black means bad. Harry seems to notice something is off because he looks ready to fight. It’s all so weird. Every time we come here I get a strange feeling but not a black.

I see now why I have the black feeling. These people just entered the station. They are wearing black clothes and mask. These people are also carrying sticks that are shooting light at all the people who are running and screaming.

While watching these bad people a new group comes in. These people are wearing the same as the black people, whom I feel I should call death eaters, except that they are wearing gold and scarlet, like a legendary fairy tale bird___a phoenix. Weird really. Mommy and daddy tell us it’s all make believe but we know that that isn’t true. Why else would they tell us that.

The fight is raging now, but I know that this is one of the many fights to come in the future. A black presence is approaching us. I turn around to tell mommy and daddy. The black color was shooting a red beam at them. They fall to the ground, along with Susie, after being hit with the red light. Annie has fallen and is convulsing.

A man with a silver beard comes up behind the black robed man and hits him with red light. He looks around before turning to us.

“Are you hurt?” he ask. I look at Harry. He seems to be looking thoughtful. Thinking. Always thinking. That’s how you find Harry, but this time it looks as if he is trying to… remember… something. I can tell he won’t answer anytime soon so I guess I’ll have to answer.

“No, sir.” I answered for the both of us. Harry is looking at me gratefully. Figures. I help him he helps me. I’m closer to Harry than my other siblings and I believe that it is vice versa. I’m not sure about that but it’s possibly.

The fight is progressing fast and is becoming furious. It’s almost like a mini war. I feel a purple/black presence slipping away, into the shadows. I follow it with my senses and realize that it is going to meet another presence.

The second presence is a calming one. It’s of a young girl and is mostly white with some of a gray tint because of all she has seen and felt. The two are talking. The older presence is now heading for us. I know that it won’t hurt me but it has to do this to escape the life it has lead. The person comes up to me and points the stick at me. It whispers the words of death_ Avada Kedavra. A green light rushes out of the stick. My life Is hanging by a thread. I know I’m not going to die but I’m still frightened. What is something backfires? I mustn’t be scared. I won’t be harmed.

With these thoughts running through my head I didn’t notice that the light had disappeared and that Harry’s presence also vanished. His presence was replaced with an ancient presence that is full of power. The aura of it is immense. I am not even looking towards it and I can see the colors of green, red, scarlet, gold, silver, blue, white, yellow, copper, purple, midnight blue swirling. I look to the center point of the swirling colors. The place that would be like the eye of a hurricane and I see that the person in the center is Harry.

How can it be? He isn’t like us? Yes that’s true he is adopted but he never showed any power. Yes his colors were always a magnificent color such as gold or white but never so many at once.

The presence in front of me is now running away. She doesn’t seem to be doing that out of fear, only out of necessity. Harry raises his left hand and shoots a beam of light at her. The lady falls to the floor.

I look at Harry and I see that Anna is back. When I return my view to Harry he faints and I see that presence that was in the shadows come out and run to where his head would have fallen. She catches his head in her lap. I look at her and realize she is crying silently. Annie has made this connection too but is too far away to realize anything out of the ordinary but I do. The girl is crying large pearly white tears out of one eyes and silver tears out of the other.

% % % % % Dumbledore’s POV % % % % %

Damn it! We’re too late. The death eaters are already here. All well. We just need to keep the Death Eaters from hurting anyone else. We are attacking at full force but half the muggles are already down.

I see a Death Eater stun a mother, father, and their two year old daughter. I hurry over as he is about to stun the young boy. The oldest child seems to be about five years old and is exhibiting symptoms of a vision. I stun the Death Eater and take a look at the two children. The boy looks like the Boy-Who-Lived, but he can’t be because Harry Potter died three years ago. The young girl looks to be three years old and from Micronesia.

“Are you hurt?” I ask them. The boy seems to be looking at me thoughtfully. It’s as if he is trying to remember something but can’t. The girl answers.

“No, sir.” she said politely. I wonder who’s these children’s parents are. The two don’t seem to be related. I turn around and while walking away I look at their parents. Immediately I recognize the two adults as Baromine and Anita. That means that the three girls are their children but whose son is the boy. I leave the thoughts for another time as I rush into battle.

Five more minutes of fighting and almost all of the Death Eaters have retreated or are captured. A death eater is going to kill the young girl I saved earlier. I watch the light rush towards her and Remus and Sirius trying to get there in time.

Suddenly the light vanishes. How? That is the question of the century. Okay. Maybe not. I think as I look to the boy. His aura is showing to all around. I can see that the girl is surprised but has seen his aura before so it isn’t that his aura is showing it is that it changed.

The death eater seems pleased with this reaction. She starts running away from the boy. Without a moments thought he raises his left hand and sends a beam of light at the female. The aura vanishes from site. He looks around and faints.

A young girl runs out from the shadows to where his head is falling to. She catches his head and begins to care. There is only one problem with the crying. Her tears are silver and phoenix tears.

* * * * * Little Girl in Shadows POV * * * * *

Daddy told me to apparate here and if I saw anybody trying to fight the death eaters to kill them. I won’t do that. No matter what daddy says. I am not his puppet. He doesn’t know that I’ve been trying to help them. I sensed Anna’s power as a Seer and I released it. My full name is Regina Tatiana Martin. Mama calls me Reggie sometimes. Anna knows me as Tati.

My cousin doesn’t know about me. He too is a seer, but if I contacted him and unleashed his powers Roy would know.

Roy is my brother his name is Royce Basil Riddle. We’re twins but so different at the same time. He helps daddy in everything he does while I try to thwart his plans. He has daddy’s last name. Riddle. I don’t think of myself as a Riddle. I am a Martin and cousin to my father’s nemesis.

Roy is outspoken and evil. To everyone he puts on a friendly façade. To anyone who meets us they always go to Roy first. He is five minutes older than me. He has midnight black hair that is always spiked. His eyes are a luminous shade of blue but that is removed by the malevolent gleam in his eyes. He’s got a tanned complexion and is much more prepossessing than me. Everyone wouldn’t consider him to be his father’s lad.

I, on the other hand, am mysterious. I speak only when spoken to and say no more than what is need. I observe my surroundings and watch what others are doing. Everyone sees me as my father’s daughter not my mother’s. I have vibrant green eyes that seem to glow in the dark. They have the twinkle of an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. My hair is as black as ebony and reaches halfway down my back. At the moment it is tied back into a bun. My complexion is an unhealthy pale white, almost like snow. I am always second to my brother except to a few people. These people are my mother, sister, aunt, and uncle.

I despise my father for one main reason he killed my aunt and uncle, Lily and James Potter. He killed them for no reason. They were always around me, never my brother. When Harry was born, they asked me to be his child guardian not my brother. I tried to tell them that Wormtail was a traitor but my brother would always cut me off.

I’m watching the scene unfold before me. A death eater walks up to Anna and her family and stuns them. A vision comes over Anna. My subconscious guides her through these visions. My mother comes over to me.

“I don’t want to be like Daddy. Please don’t make me go back there.” I whisper. She heard me I know she heard.

“Why aren’t you helping us, little one?” she asks me. She knows but is always putting up an act so the Dark Lord believes that I am being neglected. I am not going to answer…yet. She is turning to leave when I whisper to her.

“Mama, I don’t want to do this. It’s wrong. I can feel it in my bones and I don’t want to cause other people tears.

“Okay, baby. I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you”

She slips away from the darkness and walks over to Harry and his sister. I know she’s going to force Harry to show his powers. Why does life have to be so unfair! Maybe I can prove that my mom and myself are innocent enough to start a knew life. I am being pulled to help Anna process the information she has gained from the prediction.

I’m back after a few minutes. My mother has been stunned and Harry looks ready to faint. I run over to where his head is going to fall. I catch his head and begin to cry. I try not to cry because my tears are special but I can’t hold them back any more. The large pearly Phoenix tears begin to fall from my right eye and silver tears from my left.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? End POV ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

The girl from the shadows ran over to where Harry’s head was going to fall. She catches his head and begins to cry. The tears from her right eye are large, pearly white tears. The tears from her left eye are silver.

The leader of the Order of the Phoenix, Albus Dumbledore, walked over to the sobbing girl. She seemed deathly pale and it looked as if she had been abused. He couldn’t help but feel pity on the poor child. He walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. The little girl looked up and he got a good look into her eyes.

“Hello there, little one.” he said in a soft and soothing voice. The young girl looked up at him and just nodded.

“My name is Albus Dumbledore…” before he even had a chance to finish she began backing away. Albus could feel the power radiating from her and covering him in waves of fear, guilty, confusion, and pain.

“I am sorry, sir. But my daddy doesn’t want me near you.” she said in a small voice. He didn’t understand why. “My mother, the lady who fell when Harry hit her with the beam of light, was trying to get us out of his service. My brother, Royce, is as mean as anything and wouldn’t think a second before handing us over to him.” In her eyes shone fear and regret. Two things that should never be in a child’s eyes. Especially one so young.

“What’s your name?”

“Regina.” she answered shortly before whispering something that he couldn’t catch. After she said the words all the people who had been stunned were awake now except for the death eaters. Her mother walked over to her.

“Reggie, are you hurt?” she asked in a worried voice. Albus knew he had heard that voice somewhere before but just couldn’t place it. She threw off her hood and realized who she was.
Incase you don't know the characters have several names. Anna Maria is Anna, Maria (This one I will rarely ever use), and Annie. Bernadette is Deen, Bernie, Adette, and Bernadeen. Sue Ann is Sue and Susie. That's all for now. Also I did not put a part of this chapter in Sue Ann's POV because she is too young and it would take to long to put out this chapter.
Also I could have made this chapter longer but I decided that since the story hadn't been updated in a while I would update.