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Our First Meeting!!
Our first meeting will be on September 16th (a Tuesday for the newbies) at 3:05 in C17 (the big lecture room across from the office, near guidance, basically in the middle of the school). There will be cookies, so make sure you stop by and find out what we have in store for this year! Bring a friend! We'll be done around 3:30, so those of you in sports don't worry! We can also write out passes if it goes over at all, so don't skip it because of sports (you can have your cake and eat it too ^_^).

Searching for Officers!
Interested in taking my job? Talk to one of our lovely officers before or after the meeting (or in the halls) for more information. As you may or may not know, all of the officers this year are seniors, therefore we need to find replacements! We also need new people for running our events like Food Drive (as much as we would love Renee to stay and manage it for years to come, I think she wants to go to college ><), and other committees. Please talk to any of us for more information!

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