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This is a Page dedicated to every thing that is *Juan*

So this is a page all about me, Juan Wences, I am 18 from Austin,Texas(ATX). I love everthing in life almost except for people they can get a bit annoying. I wanted to make a webpage that is awesome and unique unfortunelty I didn't know how to do that so I just desided to make a website about my self. There are many things that I enjoy doing most of which inclued hanging out, doing nothing, dancing, making fun of people and the cry when they make fun of me, plot to take over the world,change underpants, stare at the sun, and chart down my bowel movements. I am going to be a teacher so watch out because this lunatic is going to teach your kids.(HAHAHAAHA villanous laughter)I will be the most evil eduactor known to man i will fill their life with gumdrops and lolipops!!! My code name when i was part of the SPY KIDS was "Dancingqueen", I remember those days like they were ten years ago. Actually that was ten years ago, ha, thats pretty funny. I was the best oprative they had untill i got in that horrible puberty laser and it made my voice all funny. Now all I do is train little a-holes to be the future Latino leaders of America (yeah thats going to happen). Well I guess this is the part in my page when i say all my shout out, but guess what? Im not because Im a rebel like that, but i will say Hi to: Mari Calderon, Gilbert, Javi, Luci, Suzzy, Ash, Ashley, and so many others that i just dont fell like typing in.

Well if you are one of my friends or you think you are then go on to my Friends page and knock your self out literaly please. ***The Friends***