(SirNoze) Remember when we got threatened to be shot in the bar with those Americans that we met?
(pjs) was that when i was drunk?
(pjs) cause i really dont remember
(pjs) thats something completely new..
(SirNoze) You were pretty gone. You might not.
(SirNoze) Oh.
(pjs) do tell
(SirNoze) Yeah, the American guy wanted to buy some coke. He got some from some guy in the bar.
(SirNoze) They had you go downstairs to check to see if it looked good.
(SirNoze) You went down to the bathroom and did gods know what.
(pjs) i faintly remember that
(pjs) i took a piss and gave someone a 25 note
(SirNoze) When you came back up the American guy asked you about it and you were like, "WHat are you talking about?"
(SirNoze) The guy started to get pissed because he thought you'd taken it yourself.
(pjs) that part you told me
(SirNoze) I started looking around and found it next to your barstool, where you'd dropped it.
(pjs) a lot of shit dropped out of my wallet
(SirNoze) The American guy picked it up and opened it. The stuff inside was a weird yellowy-brown.
(SirNoze) The American was pissed because it's not supposed to be that color.
(pjs) why the fuck was i sent down there anyways?
(pjs) i dont think i appeared the least bit sober
(SirNoze) He asked the guy at the bar what he was trying to pull. That guy got pissed because the American was implying that his stuff wasn't any good.
(SirNoze) I don't know. They weren't sober either.
(SirNoze) Anyway,
(SirNoze) The guy at the bar told us to get out or he'd have us shot. When we stood up, some people came up behind us and put our stools up on our table. At that point I said that I thought it was time to leave.
(pjs) oh
(SirNoze) Pretty scary, eh?

note: the #weirder editorial board does not condone the sale or consumption of felonious narcotics