I highely suggest that you take many safety precautions before you enter this site. By entering you have agreed NOT to do the following: suing my poor white ass, Filing a law suit against me becuase i harass your herritage, Taking me to your school guidence counceler,raping my pet hamster, and most of all not telling on me of any obsenities you see on this site. This site contains the following : Making fun of black people, making fun of arabs/ middle eastern people, the elderly, the poor, the rich, the crippled, the retarted, the chinese and any one of asian descent, canadiens, people who smell, people with cancer, crippled, fat people, ugly people, political figures, aliens, mexicans, wiggers, presidents, cubans, teachers, gay people, soccer players, and that covers most of it but there are bound to be more i dont know about. Any ways, if you are pregnant, nursing, elderly, under 8, or have a kidney disease, this may be hazardous to your health.

This site will have : great movies, quotes, vocab,tales, advice, interviews, and things that will make you wanna squel. You need flash 5 technology to view the site and a pair clean of underwear. You will need some type of movie watcher thingy, and real player.

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