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a day in the loyf
a day in the loyf
Hi there. if you are some perv who gets thrills from a strangers personal details then just remember that attempted suicide is still illegal. If you are my friend however then you might see your daft mug somewhere in this archive of my hip life. My name is Benny Marshall and live in Glasgow. Currently i am an unemployed graduate but when i grow up i want to be a conservation scientist and save the world. My favourite colour is orange and i like halo 2 on the xbox. Please leave a comment, your oponions matter to me.
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The Philosopher and your host
The Philosopher and your host 
Never underestimate the utility of the knowldge of a drunken Glaswegian.

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God dammn i would jus love a piece of that lovely hunk Bennys' honky tonkin ass!
Britney Spears | | August 04, 2005