Trading Techniques

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The simplest trading involves point A to point B business. This could be anything from selling scrap metal to recyclers or requested goods to a buyer. There are three ways to find out who's buying what, and where you can get it.
  1. email requests
  2. trading posts' computer
  3. common knowledge
Every now and then a business will email you. This will tell you three things.But beware, every other yutz out there got the same message, and could get to the deal before you, leaving you with either less money than you started, or in the worst case, a bunch of useless merchandise you can't get rid of.
  1. who needs it
  2. what they need
  3. a suggestion on where to get it
The trading posts have a special computer system that tells you who's buying what and a what price, and who sells what at the nearest or cheapest location. This is very profitable in the beginning of the game if you have the patience to look through their system.

The third way of trading is just figuring it out. Common sense states that places like bars and restaurants need food and alcohol, while manufacturers need metals and supplies for their factory.