Simple Trade Routes

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Drug Run
  1. Buy pure water at a purifier in Resevoir.
  2. Go to Riverside and buy chemicals at Riverside Chemicals.
  3. Go to Waterfront Booze and sell the water and chemicals.
  4. Buy alcohol there and sell it at either Slum or The Waterfront.
Note: the same can be done with narcotics. Just don't buy water and go to General Industrial instead.

Coastal Trade

  1. buy pure water and cigars in Resevoir.
  2. Go to Riverside Chemicals and buy chemicals.
  3. Go to General Industrial and sell chemicals. Buy narcotics here.
  4. Go to either bar in Riverside and sell contraband.
  5. Go back to Riverside Chemicals and buy explosives, plastics, and chemicals.
  6. Go to Riverside Parts and sell everything and buy machparts and compcomp.
  7. Go to Junkyard and buy sheet metal.
  8. Go to Dr. Jobes Weapons and sell everything. Buy weapons and go to Klamp Weapons or Resevoir Central.
  9. Sell everything and repeat if desired.