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fritx's HomePage


to my homepage. I am trying out some experiments here at the moment. I'm trying to use CSS to lay out this site, programming a few things, stuff like that.
These are some of the attractions here:

Explode Fight 2

This is a game for Mac OS X that I'm working on at the moment.
You can find the latest version here.
Take a look at a screen shot by clicking here.

Axis 1/2

This is a game for Windows that I'm also working on at the mo. Check back for more details.
image from game vigilante


These are some galleries of photographs that I've taken with my digital camera. Recently there have been many kind contributions from friends and acquaintances as well!
I lost a lot of them from my old site but I'm starting to put 'em back again. Here's a list of the galleries in no particular order:

Special bonus things

Some things you might find interesting.

Site look like shite?

Chances are you're using Internet Explorer. That browser is a bag of shat, you should get Safari (free download) or Firefox (free download), it renders the site (and many others) proper-like :)
You can check HTML strength and CSS sturdiness by clicking those links.
Copyright on stuff I've stolen belongs to their respective owners blah blah.
These are some links to other sites that I enjoy or find interesting to troll at. Mainly they're here because I'm useless at keeping bookmarks but feel free to click of course.

Daily reading

Reg | GI | SP | UKR | Inq

Fora (forums?)

YakYak | Quaker | OF | sp4

News feed

SotT |
Random Image
random image signature thing
Skype status
My status

I usually have Skype turned on when I'm sat at my computer.
Click the icon to dial my Skype phone.
Get Skype here (free software)

webcam thumbnail

Pictures from my (new improved :) webcam. Find out what's going on in my back garden, is that thrilling enough? :)
Click the thumbnail for a larger image.