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Now that I've set up an entire page, I realize that there's actually not much to me...

The best I can offer right now are some vital stats, so here ya go:

  • Name: Debbie Tse Hsuan Fu
  • Namesake: Debbie Reynolds of "Singin' In the Rain"
  • Name I wish I had: Any except Debbie (and maybe Petunia...)
  • Birthdate: 14 January 1981
  • Western zodiac: Capricorn, the goat-fish
  • Chinese zodiac: Monkey (by a tail...)
  • What I do: UT Business Honors/MIS student ('03), currently an intern with Verizon Information Services
  • Family: My dad's a CPA, my mom's a library technician, and my younger brother's a business student at the University of North Texas.
  • Activities: MIS Connects, Undergraduate Business Council, Honors Business Association, Chinese Taiwanese Students' Association, FUWi :)
  • Personality: Blunt, erratic (no, Marcus, not "erotic")

    And, just to add bulk, here are some stats and stuff:

  • Pre-uni: Lewisville High School, DeLay Middle School, Degan Elementary
  • Number of foreign countries visited: 7.5 (Japan was only a stopover, but landing is landing...)
  • Cups of water I drink a day: 1.2 (out of the overrated 8)
  • Miles I can run before collapsing into a gasping heap: almost 2!!
  • Current number of pirated VCDs from Malaysia: 7
  • Future number of pirated VCDs from Malaysia: 7 (my passport number has been blacklisted by the Singaporean government... ;_; )
  • Chinese/Taiwanese serials watched: counting by the dozens...
  • Sleep I need to feel rested: 10 hrs
  • Sleep I used to get: 6 hrs
  • Sleep I'm getting these days: 1-4 hrs
  • Hours I spend tweaking this website that could be spent in slumber, or studying, or in slumber when I should be studying: it's disgraceful...
  • Instruments I could play: Piano, French horn/mellophone
  • Instruments I can play: Piano (if I go very very slowly...)(quite a loss, isn't it?)
  • Fav Magazines: Time, Newsweek, People, Entertainment Weekly, PC Magazine
  • Fav TV show: Alias, Friends, Smallville, Gilmore Girls, Will and Grace
  • Fav movie: Perrenial favorites include Singin' in the Rain, Beauty and the Beast, My Best Friend's Wedding, The Mask of Zorro, The Shawshank Redemption,George of the Jungle, The Awful Truth, Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, Bridget Jones' Diary, and Fred Astaire films
  • Fav Fred Astaire films: Hands down The Gay Divorcee (just watch their chemistry in their first starring roles together!!), Roberta (see how Fred takes care of a Ginger that's "Hard to Handle"), and Swing Time  (all about the Kern/Fields songs!!!)
  • Fav film personality: Fred, Tom Hanks, Reese Witherspoon, Colin Firth, Kate Hepburn, Myrna Loy, whoever else they're featuring on TCM...
  • Fav book: Too many, so will just mention the last few read: Rose in Bloom (LM Alcott, one of my favorites), Year of Miracles (a cool novel about the Plague), Mr. Wrong (British fluff novel -- you know: the kind with a hot pink spine...)
  • Fav Music: Pretty much anything: At the time of typing, Jay Chou, Taiwanese R&B extraordinaire, is playing on my Winamp (sounds bad, I know, but he's really good)...
  • What and where I'd consider to tattoo: a turtle, paw, or flower on hand (between forefinger and thumb) or foot (between big toe and, er, the toe next to it)
  • Why a turtle?: I dunno...
  • Belly ring?: Thought about it, but I'll spare the world :)
  • On my wall right now: scrumptious Lonely Planet World Food calendar, birthday card from my pal Tina, college-art-y posters, postcards of old movies and my own trip to Koh Phi Phi, Thailand :)
  • Gimme a quote: "I've had a good time, but not tonight" -- Groucho Marx
  • What I think when I wake up: "Dammit."

    I'm not cool enough to think of the previous concept myself... Check out my inspiration (fellow Longhorn though he is, I don't really know him -- I came across his site by chance). He's never gonna know about this site, but I'll just shout out a thanks here anyway :)

    The Goals

    'K, the last time I did this site, it was for a class and I had to make a list of goals. I dunno if it was the magic of cyberspace or what, but I managed to achieve most of them, so why don't I continue the practice:

    1. Finish off my intern project with flying colors
    2. Brush up on my finance skills
    3. Score high on GMAT
    4. Get into a good MBA program (dunno which)
    5. Get a job consulting for either IB or MIS (dunno which)
    6. Do some hardcore world trekking before I hit the septagenarian-travel-for-leisure phase of life...

    And for the record, I did not get put into some Thai prison a la Bridget Jones or get caned in Singapore :) But, alas, there was shamefully little ass-kicking in K... :(

    So, that's basically me in a nutshell... Oh -- except for the fact that I'm actually the East Asian representative to the Justice League of America...

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    [dexter] Last updated: 6 July 2002
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