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The Digital Grotto Archive

This page is my archive for July. Go here for the regular page.

  • 30 July 2001
    Jebus left for Vancouver with some girl named Gina. He'll be back in three weeks, so in the meantime, you can fill the void with photos of our Lord and Savior.

    Thanks to Rhoneil for making me look like an idiot and putting those six photos of Leith skateboarding into an animated GIF .

    I interviewed Nardwuar the Human Serviette today, for both See Magazine and CJSR. He's coming to Spruce Ave Hall with the Evaporators on the 17th. Thank Eli and Liv for that.

    In other news, I pulled Jenn's photo off Her final tally was 84 Wins; 166 Losses, and her image was ranked 1459 out of 1885. I figured it wasn't going to get any better, so it was time for her to retreat. I'll tell you if Annan does any better.

  • 29 July 2001
    I got that animation of Leith skateboarding into six sequential pages, so you can click on the photo to see him in action.

    I just moved completely in to my new apartment, thanks to Greg, Mikey, Leith, and Cherie. Oh yeah, and my parents.

    My housewarming party has been postponed for one week because Nevertheless is on tour. Here are the details.

  • Friday, August 10, 2001
  • Let's make it around 8:30 or 9:00
  • Drinks will be served, but I appreciate those who bring booze to share
  • Formal attire (suits, ties, no sneakers or T-shirts)
  • Come to 10883 Saskatchewan Drive, and follow the instructions on how to operate the buzzer. Come on up to 404!
  • 28 July 2001
    Here you go, ass-jockeys... ASS photos!

    Now I'll probably get all sorts of creepy referrals.

    Jenn is ranked 1429 out of 1864 She has 61 Wins and 118 Losses.

  • 27 July 2001
    I finally got these photos up from the Pleasantview Hall show. I only have photos of Likefire, Nasty On, and Misdemeanor, as well as a bunch of other people.

    I've decided to allow other people with digital cameras to send me their stuff to post up here. Or if you want, I can help you start your own page and we can link together. I can be reached at

  • 26 July 2001
    Okay, it's not the 26th, but I finally took out an hour of my life to put this page for the Reverend Horton Heat show up. If you're looking for Reverend Horton Heat photos, you probably won't find many, but I promise you will see parts of Mike you've never before seen.

  • 25 July 2001
    Today I started moving. Here are photos of my new place, along with directions on finding it, and a party invitation.

    By the way, Jenn is getting slaughtered at, a new and superior version of the craze. She's got 19 wins and 42 losses right now. Go over and help her out.

  • 24 July 2001
    I've got so many Jenn photos, I don't know what to do!

    Click here for a special cartoon.
    Or go here to make your own.

  • 23 July 2001
    I have a whole bunch of photos lying around from Jenn's The Life and Times of Frances Farmer project, I thought I'd whip something up. Here's The Making of The Life and Times of Frances Farmer for your amusement.
  • 22 July 2001
    I had the chance to interview Misdemeanor last night, and after dinner at Sam Wok we went hog-wild with my camera. The results may be seen here.

    Also, be sure to scroll down to see photos of the party at Rhoneil's later that night, including one where Rhoneil looks like a Romulan.

  • 21 July 2001
    Here, they are: Sex Boys photos!

    Also, I thought I'd put all my old favourite band photos online. Most of these were taken in the dark period after I got my camera, but before I started the website.

  • 19 July 2001
    I've been looking everywhere for this Annan picture.
  • 17 July 2001
    I got in touch with my Sexican roots at Likwid Lounge on Tuesday. Rockin' Mexican photos are up on my overflow website.

    Look for Sex Boys photos, coming soon!

  • 16 July 2001
    I thought I could cure my dog's homosexuality if I took him to a whorehouse, but it turned out to be a hoax.

    Cherie has forced me to take down the page with her photos, so if you didn't check in time, you missed out.

  • 15 July 2001
    Stuff this down your gizzard: Altavista Babelfish translator .

    I went to a protest today. Hilarity ensued.

  • 14 July 2001
    Ye olde Les Tabernacles show. Enclosed are photos of the crotch-rockers, as well as photos of the Franklins, Raygun Cowboys, and the Blame-Its.
    This was a big show for Edmonton punk history. The police applied their usual pressure, but this time they had a cameraman from To Serve and Protect with them. TSAP is the Western Canadian version of Cops.
  • 12 July 2001
    I have a conundrum for you: what should I name my dog? "Mickey" just doesn't cut it when I'm introducing him to right-minded people. Remember to e-mail me your vote.
  • 12 July 2001
    A lot of people have been asking questions about my Uz Jsme Doma photos. I don't have enough good pictures to justify a whole page, so I combined it with pics from the Bon Accord show. And now, may I present: Bonicord VS the Czech Republic.

    Well, I uploaded all the files, but I haven't put together a page to display them on yet, and my dog's crashing. First thing tomorrow.
  • 12 July 2001
    It's after midnight, but I finally got those Nevertheless photos up. Wow, I have to go to work in 7 hours. Yeah, you heard me. Work. It's not a good job, I'm going to be a telephone researcher, but it's with the Department of Sociology, so I can stay on campus.

    Visit Nevertheless's website.

  • 11 July 2001
    A lot of you seem quite curious about my sister. So here, for your pleasure, is Annan unexposed: the way I see her.
  • 7 July 2001
    Check out the voyage.

    We're going to inaugurate the archives with my photos from Warped Tour.

  • Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.

    E-mail me:
    Or drop my pal Chuck Norris a line: