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Little Miss Penny... A.K.A. SATAN

Lucifer Hath Many Faces. Faces Which He Uses To Befuddle And Confuse Those Weak And Mortal Enough To Fall For His Disguises. I Am Not One In The Ignorant Masses. My Dog, "Little Miss Penny" Is In Actuality The Devil's Physical Mantifestation On Our Mortal Plane... And Ultimate Instrument Of Sin, Death, Famine And War... JUST LOOK AT HER!!!



The Following Is A Brief List Of Statistics So That You, Too May Be Able To Recognize The Face Of The BEAST!...

Height: Approx. 1 feet, 6 inches, (Head To Tail

Weight: Approx. 8 Pounds, (Discounting Horns)

Blood Type: Fire And Brimstone

Location: HELL, Jericho

Favorite Foods: Carrots, Cheese, And The SOULS OF THE DAMNED

Hobbies: Torturing The Local Residents Of Hell, Emitting Noxious Fumes From Her Evil Mouth, And The Most Demonic... Barking All The



Here We Can See A Dramatic Reenactment Of A Typical Day In The Unholy Life Of Penny.

This Is Penny Getting Ready To Devour A Small Child, Or Some Cheese.

...And Here Is An Artist's, (A Rather Good One At That...) Rendition Of What Penny's Foul Breath Is Like.

What Can Combat Such A Force?

Not Much.

However, There Is Hope Out There.

There One Who Has Devoted His Live To Ensuring That Ultimate Evil Will Never Triumph.

That Hope Is ME.

The Ultimate Battle Roars On... But Who Shall Emerge Victorious?

Only Time Can Tell...

...Now There's A Face...

...Only SATAN Could Love