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Marisa the Great's Homepage

Okay, I'm sure those of you who are visiting for the first time since I last updated my page have noticed some major changes. I actually spent a little time on my page this time. hehe. For those of you who have never been here, the purpose of this page is just so that I can keep you kids posted on whats goin' on and put faces w/the names I mention. Every once in a while I send out letters to everyone which I will post copies of on here. If there is anyone who I know who you think doesn't have this already, send them a link.

June 6, 2002

Hey guys this is Marisa here reporting live from Austin Texas. Okay, so maybe I'm not a reporter, but I just wanted to send an e-mail out and let everyone know how I'm doing here (even though I know half of you will delete this before you read it anyway but its okay...jk). well, classes aren't as scary as people make them sound like when they talk about hundreds in a class -- my rhetoric and composition class only has 16 students and my calculus class has around 40. And yeah, of course they're gonna be a lot smaller than average considering the fact that its the summer session as opposed to fall semester, but still. My professors seem aright. at least my rhetoric one is, my calculus Prof. is okay...he like mumbles sooo bad and does NOT have good penmanship AT ALL! I swear to everything holy, his R's look like S's and that is NOT cool when you're taking notes especially since he doesn't say everything aloud when he writes it, and even if he does, you can only understand half of what he said because of his lack of communication skills. but anyway, yeah, everyone is really nice down here. I hate the climate though. Its very very humid and somewhat hot during the day. Yeah, the humidity is soo not good for my naps, which by the way have actually been complimented by several people...I don't know, maybe they were blind or just stupid, but I hate my nappy ass hair. The dorms are really cold though. we have no thermostats in the rooms so I think they just keep us all at what feels like 70..maybe 75...who knows. The frostbite isn't a good sign though. I like brought my thick blanket thinking I wouldn't even need it, but shit, I sleep w/it every night. My roommate seems really nice. I haven't really gotten to know her because she's only been here for like one whole day...she came in yesterday. She's originally from Russia and she speaks w/an accent. When I told her I was from Odessa she was like "wow, we have an Odessa in Russia!" but yeah, that's where she was up until yesterday. A lot of people hadn't graduated as of orientation and had to go back home for their graduation and their stuff....needless to say, she was one of those many people which is why she was so late. But yeah, I dunno, I'm not quite to the "living off ramen" stage quite yet, but since I'm currently unemployed I'm thinkin' it wont be too long. My parents are trying to deter me from seeking employment by paying my phone bill, buying my a laptop, and sending me money. I don't care though, I mean I would honestly rather work because I feel kind of bad and I really feel like a bum lol. I don't really hang out w/my roommate too much just cause I met some other girl before I got to know my roommate and I've been hanging out w/her. Her name is Haniya and yes, she's Indian. Its cool cause we like have the same taste in guys (big shocker for anyone who knows what type of guys I like). Its like so funny cause neither one of us have any sense of direction and we've gotten lost like so many times. we got lost in north Austin once when we were on our way back from the mall and several times here on and around campus -- and its not like the campus is all that small so yeah, we were lost pretty good. I actually managed to find all my classes on the first try though so that's good. A lot of people here are getting homesick which is kinda sad cause I'm not. lol I mean, don't get me wrong, I miss all you guys but if I could go back, I wouldn't. Next time I'm going back to Odessa will be between the summer session and fall semester (between the 19th and 28th of August) and yes! I'll be 18 by then! Speaking of, my roommate is actually 17 as well...shes turning 18 this month but still, lol shes 17. but anyways, yeah, I have to go now for 2 reasons, first reason being that I don't want this letter to get to verbose because I know it will deter some people from reading it -- i know it would deter me from reading it, but anyways, yeah i'm out. I have a class in like 25 min. Bye! I love you and I miss you all!!


June 21, 2002

Okay, so its time for another update am I right? Maybe this one won't be quite as long as the other one. I am having soo much fun here. I'm still not QUITE at the Ramen stage yet, but I am not even kidding, it will be a matter of weeks. We do stuff ghetto style here. lol my roommate and I have FIVE dishes lol. Two Tupperware containers that we use as bowls. lol, not just that, but we use the lids as plates. Along with the Tupperware containers, we have 2 forks and one spoon. Its soo funny. We don't buy napkins, because we can steal those from Wendy's and taco bell and pretty much anywhere. lol and when we run out of those we use Kleenexes. The snacks in our room consist of crackers, easy cheese, popcorn, and oatmeal cream pies. We're always stocked up on water cause we bought this huge box at Walmart but neither one of us actually DRINKS water, we just have it. -- well, my roommate drinks water SOMETIMES and this guy Luis who is always over drinks it, so maybe we'll run out by the end of the summer. Its really weird cause all the good parties and stuff are during the week here which makes it a little hard cause you have to do your school stuff too, but I'm doing OKAY as far as that goes. I kinda have a paper due at 11:30am today that I haven't yet started. But I assure you, I will do it as soon as this letter is done with. I'm gonna pull an all nighter cause I didn't get in till about 3:40 this morning. Here is what happened last night/this morning (whatever you wanna call it) - WAIT - let me start out with what was SUPPOSED to happen. Nabila - one of my Indian girls hears about a desi party at the Roxy, one of the better clubs in Austin -- or so I hear. (for those of you who don't know, desi is a term for what I used to call 'brownies' i.e. pakis, Indians, Arabians, etc.) So anyway, Cyra, Raj, Julia, Nabila, Haniya, Faisal, Roman, and I are all supposed to go to a frat party first (cause the best frat parties are on Thursdays) then to the club. Now you all know that I'm not 18 so the plan is to have Julia enter first (who looks nothing like me) pass the id back, then I get in w/the same id and everything turns out merry. Now for what really happened -- Haniya and I aren't ready so Nabila is goes to get Faisal and everyone else from Blanton (another residential hall) while we finish getting ready and we're just gonna meet them at the frat party. So we get ready and Haniya, Roman, Julia, and I go to the party, but somehow Nabila and the rest of the crew end up at the wrong frat party -- a party like 3 blocks further down. Their party ends up surrounded by cops -- which is unusual for a frat party. We end up going to the Roxy w/o them. So its only 4 of us. We change our plans and decide that I'm going to go in w/Roman first, then Roman comes back out and gives Julia's ID back to her, goes back in, and Julia and Haniya come in a little later, but before Roman and I make our entrance, I ask Julia for her school ID cause I KNEW the bouncer wasn't going to go for it. lol, so we go and the bouncer sooo knows its not me and is a total dick about it. He looks at me and back at the id like 5 times and he's like "who are you?" and I tell him, "I'm Julia" and he says " look NOTHING like Julia" and I'm like "okay...that's me..." and he's all "do you have anything else on you?" and I'm like "the only other thing i have is my school ID" so I give it to him and he's like that still doesn't look like you, so the guy next to him is like "where do you live?" and at that point i KNEW i was screwed but right after that guy had asked, a third guy is like "no, fuck it, its cool, let her in" so finally Roman and I get in. LOL and I shit you not, when we get in, there are THREE girls dancing and about 8 guys on the wall -- lol me and Roman were like okay, no. It was soo funny. So we leave, but we still get stamped -- just in case we decide to come back. So we're thinking about going back to the dorms but everyone else is like on their way and is saying its dead cause its only 1 so we go ahead and wait for them. they get there, we go back in (at about 1:40), Julia and Roman go back to the dorms cause Julia is one of the few people we know who actually DOES her homework. So yeah, its wayyyyyy better now. There are hot guys EVERYWHERE. We dance and everything and leave at about 3:20. But yeah, all in all, it was fun. But yeah, okay, this is getting long and I need to save some words for the essay I'm 'bout to write!!! Everyone take care and remember that I love you all!!!


January 27, 2003

Hey guys! Well, I know its been a loooong time since the last time i updated you guys on how i've been so i thought i'd write another letter. I haven't updated my website in forever either, but i'll get to that soon (hopefully). Anyhoo, things are a looot different now than the fall semester. Its crazy. In the summer we had our "kinsolving crew" as we later dubbed ourselves after moving out of kinsolving (our old dorms). We all left of course, but the housing assignments were fucked up. Well, by that I mean not all of us were in the same dorms. A couple of people stayed at kinsolving, several people got san jacinto (which is like the best dorm hall to live in cause every room has its own bathroom, a few people got apartments, but most of us did end up getting jester, which is rumored to be the largest residence hall in the nation although i'm not sure. Because of the way our housing assignments worked out, we don't see half the people we used to. If you remember me talking about my Indian friend Haniya, I'm rooming w/her now. We don't see much of Julia and Luis now because they're together now and when we say together...we MEAN together. It was really gross. They're one of those couples that are like a step away from fucking ANYTIME they're together in public, and anytime they're in private, they pretty much are -- yeah, i walked in on them once during the summer -- not a pretty sight. SO yeah, they kinda weren't fun to be around anymore so we just quit inviting them to hang out. The beginning of this, the spring semester brought even more changes. In the fall we had made more friends, but I kid you not, at the beginning of this semester, we were lucky to see a familiar face around the dorms. SOOO many people dropped out, got kicked out, moved, or are just taking a semester off. More than half of our regulars are no more -- hmm, no good. One of our good good friends Matt is like totally missing now. Its kinda crazy. His grandma and his exgirlfriend came and picked him up from his apartment about 2 weeks ago. All his stuff is still there, he hasn't paid the rent, and he hasn't called his roommate. We've all tried to call him, but his phone is always off. -- Carlos and Jason met this guy at his apartment party. Anyway, we're not living quite as ghetto as we were in the summer. Last time you heard from me we were using tupperware containers as bowls and the lids for plates, we had 2 forks, 1 spoon, and we were stealing napkins from restaurants. I'm sure you would be glad to hear that we've moved up! lol, well, kinda. we still use the tupperware containers as bowls, but we each have our own plate AND our own spoon and fork. lol, the napkin issue has been temporarily resolved. Me, Carlos and Jason stole a napkin despenser from Becca's Taco Villa that actually kept me good for a while. I had to steal napkins for maybe a week or two from various fast food restaurants until the next time I went to Odessa (which was for the winter break). Yeah, me and EricK managed to steal a pack of napkins from the same Taco Villa to refill the despenser. But yes, despite the "lavish" lifestyle living on campus, I can't WAIT till next semester when I get my own apartment. I'm not gonna double w/someone either, I'm gonna have it ALL to myself (well, thats the plan anyway). Anything is less expensive than what we're paying to live on campus anyway. Originally I was supposed to get an apartment w/Haniya, but I want my own. I have some trust issues w/her because of a couple of incidents. I know this is wrong, but I still haven't told her that I'm getting my own. I mean, i just don't know how to. Ya know, its not that shes not my friend anymore, i mean, i still love her to death, i just don't know if i can trust her enough to live w/her for another year. I could room w/someone else, but I would much rather have my own place. Anyway, its 6am and I have a little bit of studying to do and I'm sure those of you who have gotten this far in the email are tired of reading so ima go do that now. lol i'll send y'all an email when I finally get my webpage updated. Don't forget that I love you all!!!!


Yeah, stop playing with the little red balls cause you're Not done yet...

My dying days in Odessa
My summer in Austin
Fall Semester

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