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More pages of my own stuff and then some..

poems page one...
poems page two.....

I'm case you didn't know...i'm 18.. i just wanted to make this page to have some place to put my writing.. so this is it..... i am going to be working on this page for a while... so yeah...

ummm... i'm really passionate about writing because i think it's one of the best ways to express feelings. my other favorite thing is music... i heard this quote once that went "music expresses feelings words cannot", which pretty much explains how i feel about music.

if i had to describe myself i'd say i'm thoughtful (i think too much...), introverted, shy, and depressed... but sometimes i can be outgoing, crazy, and spontanious... it depends on what mood i'm in and who i'm around. i'm really honest with people.. i tell them how i feel and what i'm thinking. that's pretty much me...

My favortie band is definately Alkaline Trio. The picture above is of Matt Skiba, the guitar/singer in the band. Matt has an incredible writing talent in that he puts words together in a way that makes them interesting, creative, and original. I'd have to say their best CD is From Here To Infirmary... i can relate to that CD more than any other i've listened to. Anyways.. check them out. they rock.


"wait a minute...did you ACTUALLY say FREEdom?..well if you're dumb enough to vote then you're fuckin dumb enough to beLIEVE them...cause if this country is so GOD DAMN FREE then i can BURN your FUCKING FLAG wherever i DAMN WELL PLEASE........ and then i'm gonna STICK IT UP YOUR ASS!" -propaghandi